
Do you think our planet is already overpopulated?

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why or why not?




  1. Our planet has been overpopulated for a long time. Every major problem facing the world today is caused by too many people on the planet.

  2. No. I think that if there were an even and spread out distribution of our global population, then there wouldn't be this question. But since the question exists, I think that there are many places that are inhabitable: some but not all mountainous regions, the poles (north and south), desserts (i.e. the Sahara), protected wildlife reserves and other pieces of land, and of course, the earth is 70% water.

  3. Yes.  People need fresh water and food to survive.  There are millions of people who live in areas that have become crowded enough that can no longer properly support everybody.

  4. Our planet is not overpopulated yet but we do need more hard woods to maintain safe oxygen and water levels for our future otehrwise we will be out stretching our resources.

  5. No.  Like if there is no room in New York, people move to New Jersey.  People find a place to live where there is plenty of room.

    Also check out how Las Vegas was made in the middle of a dessert.  In the future if we run out of room we can do stuff like that.

    And in the year 2100 we will ship prisoners to the moon.  Like how the Brits did with Australia. LOL!

  6. Yes, Yes,   and more Yes.

    We just happen to be in a nice climate optimum, it could be so much worse.  There is no way the earth would sustain 6 billion people during an ice age.   Unless equatorial forests are cut down for farm land, but who knows what kind of problems that could cause.


    Yes we are, we are running out of room and natural resources.

  8. Why? If you are going towards the ridiculous thinking that too many humans is causing global warming - don't waste your energy. Check out - there is a forum with over 57 opinions posted. Without writing a lengthy response - absurd.

  9. I know New Jersey is!!!

  10. Yes.  If you look at nighttime satellite photos, over half of the world is either electrically lit or cultivated.  Animal species are going extinct in order to feed us, pay us (ivory bearing animals), or provide medicines (tigers) of dubious value.

    Its definitely time to have fewer humans.

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