
Do you think our species will ever live long enough to see the year 2550???

by  |  earlier

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I ask this because my brother and I play this video game called "Halo" and in the game the year is somewhere between 2500-2550. My brother belives our species will still exist that far into the future, I just want to prove him wrong, I just don't think it's possible. All I need are some great second opinions.




  1. You, I , and your brother won't...Maybe you should go outside and play ? Give the video games a rest.

  2. we will make it we will probabally be evolved but yeah i think we'll be there

    and as for this 2012 c**p dude were all gonna be fine its just another thing like y2k!

  3. "I just want to prove him wrong"

    Good luck, it's kinda like saying "I want to prove to you that I can kill myself" ... bit of a pointless thing to want to bet FOR because you can't really reap any sort of reward from it.

  4. Columbus discovered America --- more than 500 years ago--

    So why do you believe humans will not be here 500 years from now?

  5. Probably and Probably not.

    I think we might if we become a very advanced race and counter anything mother nature throws at us.

    Probably not because.Judgment day might come,an asteroid might hit us, a Gamma ray burst from the nearest star might take out the planet ,Global Warming and Political Issue and other things like black holes coming near very planet Earth.

    So I think if we make it it would be really cool.

    But we might make it with Gods help and Protection.

  6. I think, it would be a big accomplishment if we see the end of this century!  

  7. it'll be a miracle if we get that far.

    we are so jacked up right now.

  8. no chance air conditions would be too harsh there might be a couple of survivors in domed cities but i doubt the world would be livable  

  9. Humanity has been around for thousands of years, why would we suddenly sieze to exist during the next 500? I understand that there's a lot of war, hatred, and international conflict during our time which may one day cause our own self destruction if we're not careful as well as the possibility of an impact from a large asteroid or comet which can cause global extinction, regardless of that, there is no definite proof that we will not exist long enough, therefore, it is impossible to prove this to your brother or anyone period.

    (And this 2012 end of the world c**p going around is just that, factless c**p! 2012 will come and go we will still be here just like the last time the world was supposed to end.)

    EDIT: @limen, you've been reported for spam, this is the third time I've noticed you post an answer like that.

  10. saddy, the way things look... we'll be lucky if we make it to 2015...

  11. No. Get saved and repent now while you still can!

    Do NOT accept this:

  12. ummm our species has survived for over 2000 years at least already ... whats another 500? what do you think were just all gonna drop dead/?

  13. Certainly, but it will be under a new order.  God has the final say on the survival of man.  He is sending Jesus Christ to earth to set up His government here on earth.  Satan will be locked away and Jesus Christ and those under Him will rule the earth for a thousand years. The new age is just a few years away.    

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