
Do you think our world will ever be completely free of...?

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the harmful heteronormative essentialism that continues to pervade it (despite the continuing growth of scientific rationality, social awareness and decrease of religion)?




  1. O.o  

    I have no idea what you just said

  2. No. Primarily because most people don't even know what heteronormative essentialism means.

    Religion also has a large role in keeping people misinformed.

    That's why some behaviour is labeled youthful "experimentation" while in fact it demonstrates the true (lack of) orientation of individuals before they conform to societal norms(mostly after graduating)

  3. um


  4. No, The world will never be free.

  5. It is hard to breed out stupid.

  6. I think you can get tablets to treat that now.

    Ask your doctor or the school nurse.

  7. No, the world will continue to degenerate until Christ returns and stirs things up a bit.

  8. We still have a deep influence of religion. And I wouldn't say there is a decrease of religion... I would say there is a proliferation of religion and believes while the time goes on. Maybe the traditional forms of religion are decreasing but new waves are arriving. Unfortunately, the heteronormative essentialism will continue until chauvinism, dogmatism and sexism exist on humanity. This is a world that is controlled by the same people for centuries and I don't see a near way to change.  

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