
Do you think out house is haunted.?

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I hear strange noises, and my cats look up sometimes for no reason. Also, our grandfather clock always stops at the same time. There used to be more obvious activity but since me and my daughter moved into the house with my boyfriend it has stopped. But, on occasion weird things happen or go missind? Thoughts>




  1. Yeah you might say your house is haunted.


    You can go to this website and it could have some helpful info for you to do your own investigation. Maybe even contact them and they might investigate your house for you.

  2. I have never in my life heard of a haunted outhouse. Obviously you live either in Kentucky or Tennessee where they are still de rigeur.

    I can only surmise that some hapless individual, most likely a child, late one night while all the others were sleeping, sat on a hole a tad too large.

    I imaging what you have here is something akin to the movie "The Ring".

    If I were you, I'd fill it up, and dig a new privy.

  3. Aww man I am so jealous. I want to be able to witness something like that.

    Maybe not go as far as live in a house like that but see some of this stuff going on.

    It can very well be haunted. From what you said at least.

  4. Most likely, since your cat is acting up. Of course, there is always the chance that this is all by coincidence, although the probability of this must be very small.

  5. Yup!  I grew up in a haunted house.   How old is your daughter?  Does she see or talk to 'anyone' that isn't there?  When my niece was really little, she used to talk about "the man that lives upstairs" at my parents house.  That is is the house I grew up in, BTW.   She said that he would talk to her.  We could her here having conversations up there when she was playing by herself, but no one was there!  

    My sister and I used to see a man up there, when we were little too.  We never told her about it, though.  

    Maybe your daughter can see the spirit.  Keep an eye on her and watch her behavior, especially when you notice surges of activity.  Take care.  Hopefully this is a nice spirit.

  6. Hi,Sounds to me that you might have moved in on some thing  else's home. They probebley where already there when you moved in. Some previous owner must have died,And the spirit came back home because it didn't know where else to go to.I dought if it ,or they are there to harm you.I have the same thing going on in my house.The only difference is I know who mine are.My oldest sister,and my Mom and Dad ,who have joined in.It's real funny, I can feel when their there,and when it's not them.There's ,I think one that I don't know,And some kids too.The one I don't know,is vary scary to me ,it does weird stuff like making footprints in the flower garden,after I've raked it smooth.That does,t sound to weird ,now does it? The thing is, it put's them in places no human could put them in.Like way under a bush, real close to the trunk of a bush.Some times the prints are barefoot and real,real small like a little kids.Than sometimes there really big,like maybe 20 inches long and 14 inches wide.Sometimes they are the size of a newborn! I've made a couple of casts with plaster,don't ask me why,but I guess it's hard for me to beleive.Other times, my shade cloth (it pulls open and closes the same) will be opened,the porch light will be turned upside down, you'll hear the door open and close,some times which I really don't like,you'll see someone going into another room.I've only seen the back legs of this one though,twice.All kinds of stuff goes on.Does this sound familliar to you? Ask your daughter what she has experienced.Try to determine if you have more than one rooming with you.Next time you feel it's presence,talk to it,let it know you know it's there.I think that it helps.It'll soon know it's not going to be able to scare you,so it'll back off the scary stuff.I wish mine would grow up!Good luck,Don't be scared.Bye

  7. well... sure does sound like it...

    watch this if youve got time, cuz its awesome!!!

  8. It sounds like a haunted area - ask next time why the spirit is haunting and find about the history of the house

  9. I don't think so, but don't let me spoil your fun.

  10. from first impressions i would say yes ....2 factors would lead me to this conclusion the 1st would be the cat and the 2nd your daughter......animals and children are all highly sensitive and they offer the best chance of actually catching activity on cam .

    but then i have been in this situation with an investigation when everything pointed to a genuine haunting only to find that the children where actually manufacturing the ghosts .....

    i think though that by your daughter stating that it is male you need to believe what information she has to offer .......but please do not prompt her as children will make things up for attention and the wow factor of being in a haunted house.

    now i love the missing objects and you know if you ask them they do put them back .....well 9/10 they do am glad that you are o.k with the situation and nothing bad has happened .....i think sometimes like us the spirits just want us to take notice of them and i am sure the love all the attention ...good luck

  11. iare you hallucinating if you aren't then keep on reading

    i think your house iss haunted or maybe you just loose things or maybe the house is you now old and it needs some new tiles.

  12. it depends on how old is the house?...

    if it's old like 7 years or more, than most likely it is.

    it might be.

  13. Well, i sure wouldn't use a cat as an indicator, but considering all the other odd things, it does sound as though you have some sort of benign entity sharing space with you.  

    A friend of mine had a similar experience and lived happily in the same house for almost 4 years.  She would simply acknowledge the spirit, "Hey!  I'm home, please don't scare me." or "Would you please leave the dog alone, I'm trying to study."  and the odd noises or feelings of being watched would stop.

  14. NO!!!!  There is a reasonable explanation for everything:

    - your house is creaky

    - your cat is on crack

    - you are on crack

    - your clock is busted

    - your house is drafty and closes doors often

    So just chill cause your house isn't haunted and no one here has ever seen haunted c**p, until you see like a table floating around and raping your cat or something.

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