
Do you think palin has any idea that by the time we start drilling, even if tomorrow, that she'll likely be ?

by Guest61309  |  earlier

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a great great grandmother.

Like Alaska has plenty that will make a difference Now!!!

Gawd! she's stupid.




  1. Gawd your stupid!  So what if she is old by the time we are drilling.  It will help future generations.  What are you, a short sighted liberal?

  2. Not only does she want to drill in the only places that are protected for wildlife, but she adamantly stands AGAINST alternative energy sources... she shot them all down because she works for Big Oil.

    PHOTO: Sarah Palin and the recently indicted Ted Stevens at a meeting of his 527 Group... from which she recieved 20 Million dollars of his lobbying money for her hometown of Wasilla and to run for Governor:

    PHOTO: Sarah Palin donning a T-Shirt that reads "Nowhere, Alaska" after she had just made public statements to the effect that she supported the infamous "Bridge To Nowhere" but congress cut the earmark spending despite her concerns:

    PHOTO: Sarah Palin at her first job for which she has any educational training - as sportscaster at her local television station:

    VIDEO: Sarah Palin thanks her church for ignoring God's will and praying for her to become Governor anyway:

  3. Wow.....I've seen some spectacularly uninformed questions, but you managed to top all of them.

    So....even tho she isn't a grandmother yet, she'll be a great-grandmother by tomorrow?

  4. Its something that can be done for the future, unlike the dem plan to leave nothing for our children but a lot of bills for goverment programs that wont work.

  5. Just to clarify, why do you think this?

    Any facts or surveys? Scientific data that can but relied on or is it just your opinion?

    h**l even the Alaskan pipeline didn't take that long to build, 2 years over 800 miles. Not ten years after oil was found in northern alaska it was being piped to southern alaska for shipment.

    Are you looking at the life span of Gerbils or something (great great GM)? Or is the difference your looking for NOW just resting in Obamas pocket that he will only give out if he gets elected?

  6. She beat the democrats down.  She is a brilliant women, and better then anything you liberals could put up.  I see you are all stinging from the beat down you took last night, just take your beating, the pain will go away in 4 years.  By then you might lose the bruises you took last night.

  7. She's also a big fat liar who stretches the truth or not telling the truth. During her speech, there were many of that. They claim she's an outsider but she sounds like another run-of-the-mill Republican. And these people are pretty savvy in manipulating words and duping their supporters.

  8. You do understand that when the dems told you it would take 10 years, they were lying? I have no idea why you would want to take Pelosi's word for this, but it is absolutely not true that it takes that long to get oil out of the ground. Regardless, we still have to have oil whether it's tomorrow or 50 years from now.

  9. I thought it was funny how she introduced her husband. At the very end of the introduction, she quietly mentioned his oil interests.

    HELLO...the Palin family is one of the Biggest Oil families in the U.S.

    Why isn't this being mentioned? Those piplelines are piping $ into their personal pockets that's why she asked students to "PRAY FOR THE PIPELINES" ... seriously, you can download it and listen to the recording online.

    She also said and believes God called the U.S. to fight the war in Iraq. You know what amazes me? How these politicians who send our sons and daughters over to be killed never send their OWN children over to be killed. The times politicians have ever sent their own blood over, it is ALWAYS in a protected position. If you really support the war, you send your own blood over to lose their lives.

  10. She is so clueless about these things. She's not an expert on this.

    She's an over exuberant wannebe.

  11. i totally agree with you. you said it very well.

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