
Do you think paper money discriminates against blind people? A judge thinks so.?

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  1. That is rubbish....can't tell the different denominations....these people may be blind but they can feel heat just as well as a normal sighted person....and a hundred dollar bill burns much longer than a ten dollar bill...

  2. at what cost will this put on the taxpayer?  also if this happens then how long before banks will have to spend money on blind available on line banking and so on and so on.   how many people are blind in america?   how have the blind gotten along so far?  or is blindness just a new malady?  get the government out of our lives instead of giving them more power to cripple america   mr  doodles

  3. I agree, perhaps, Braille numbers could be superimposed on bills!

  4. My grandfather was blind, but he devised a way to be independent and to never have to ask anyone to tell him what a bill was.  He was never cheated.  He carried one dollar bills and ten dollar bills ONLY.  He placed the tens in the back of a divided wallet and the ones in front.  He would not accept five dollar bills in change.  Try it.  It works.

    I can't believe anyone gave me a thumbs down for my grandfather's ingenious idea.  He was doing this in the 1950s before anyone had heard of discrimination.  If you use only ones and tens, no one can cheat you.  Do a test.  Place the ones in front of the divider and the tens in back.  blindfold yourself and have somebody give you change.  Do not accept five dollar bills.  Only accept ones and tens.  They can't cheat you, and you can pay for just about anything accurately.  The change you have to figure out by the way they feel, but that's pretty easy.

    He was never dependent on others just because he was blind.  In fact, he supported several members of the family who were out of work.  He never stopped working as long as he lived.  He didn't let blindness get him down.

  5. That judge just needs to get a life.

  6. I agree. I think the blind should have interest-free credit accounts.

  7. Very interesting question...I never thought of that before. I feel very sorry for people that have to be dependent on others.

    I thought one court-members' response was a little off however.

    In responding to a vote where the ruling for the money change was 2-1 due to "such adaptations being insufficient", this court-member said: "The government might as well argue that since handicapped people can crawl on all fours - there's no need to make buildings wheelchair accessible."

    Come on...comparing the refusal of new money for the blind to refusing wheelchair ramps is just ridiculous! I did agree however with the man in the article who was a legally blind manager in NY.

    He said : "To actually be discriminated against is to have something denied to you, ... we're not denied the use of money."

    I know I'm not blind (and I truly sympathize with those who are) but I noticed that not all blind people agreed that the money needs to be changed. It would be nice if it were left up to them to vote on this matter.

    In my opinion there are more necessary changes that need to take place with government funds.

  8. There are some countries who make the bills of different sizes to correspond with the face value of the currency. Perhaps it is time we do so as well. In my State of Nevada, state law mandates that all snack bars and the like which are in government buildings must be operated by the blind. I don't know how those operators can distinguish between the different values of currency as things now stand.

  9. Well then it also discriminates against women, any women on those bills and it also discriminates against blacks, see any blacks on those bills. It is crazy always something new, people will never be satisfied. They do need to learn to toss out cases.

  10. yeah we should change that yo we need to put bubbles in the money it would also cut down on counterfeits

  11. yeah we should pay for things by throwing rocks at each other, you know, to be fair to the blind.  The heavier the rock, the more you paid.

  12. Money is worth the same amount for blind people.

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