
Do you think patriotism is just mind over matter?

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For me,It's just a matter of global love,compassion,understanding,care,devot... and tolerance towards humanity that is important.A mind that suggested that a person should believe that one's country is better than another is a total hogwash esspecially when the neighbouring countries share the common language,religion,culture,and political satire.What do you guys think about these?Does these kind of blind patriotism led to our filthy wars?




  1. We are indoctrinated from an early age at school you know the pledge of allegiance.

    What do you think the teacher would say if all the kindergartner's said I will pass on this lesson cause it is against my beliefs.

  2. In part they do, yes.

    We should be concentrating on what makes us alike instead of how we are different.

  3. I  agree with you all the way.

    We are in this together.  

    That is what great about the US we have all kind of nationalities here.  So were are all ready open to other cultures.

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