
Do you think pay-per view will ruin UFC?

by Guest21195  |  earlier

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First of all, i dont understand what the UFC 78 or UFC 84 means. What is with the number? I also fell the PPV ruined boxing because all the big fights are only on PPV and a lot of people dont get that. whats your view




  1. Not even.  It's a huge market for them and people will pay for it.

    The only thing that can ruin the UFC is the amount they pay their fighters.  The UFC fighters don't make nearly the amount that they should.

    I went to the Affliction fight a few weeks ago in Anaheim Ca, and it blew away any UFC I've been to or watched on TV.  The fighters were paid well, and the show was great.  The competitors were top notch.

    If the UFC gets the right talent, and pays the fighters better it will be hard to un-seat them.

    But pay-per-view won't be thier demise.  Too many people enjoy fight parties and the like.  People will buy it.

  2. what killed boxing was only having one or two big fights a year. The UFC has put on big fights almost every other card. People now are saying look at Affliction. Affliction has the talent in the heavy weight division but not in any other division. UFC has and will have the MMA world for a while. But there are die hard fans such as myself that are starting to lose some respect for the UFC. Lets see what happens

  3. PPV ruin the UFC? No way, too many people are buying it. How can it ruin the UFC?

    the # is the actual pay-per-view event hosted by UFC.

    Boxing ruined boxing because they're champions ducked each other over and over again for years upon years until they finally fight when they're washed up and old and need the money. Promoters ruined boxing. In the UFC, Dana White wants the best against the best, TODAY> So do the fighters.  

  4. The only way PPV would ruin the UFC is if they raised the cost of it too high. There's a limit people will pay to watch a card. Especially when you can see most of the matches online shortly afterwards.

  5. Are you serious, the only reason why UFC is still around is because of pay per view.

  6. Wow, you are incredibly stupid. Pay per view is what helps keeps the UFC in business. How else are they going to make money? They're still a growing business and they make so much money from the pay per view revenue, its wat keeps the business running. And the number refers to the current event number. i.e. it started at UFC 1, now its all the way to UFC 88 being the next event. You're telling me that you couldn't honestly figure that out?  

  7. If anything commercialization is what made MMA so popular. Till they started showing fights on Spike I've never ever heard about MMA. Now I train in it 8 hours a week with Olympians :)

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