
Do you think people's interests are influenced by their parents' interests?

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For instance, if your mother was artistic, is it more likely that you will be?




  1. a person is definitely influenced by the people they are with when growing up. do you mean nature or nurture?

    no one in my family watches sports, so i am not interested in them. my father's side of the family is artistic, and all of my siblings are as well. my mother enjoys watching movies and so do i, etc.

    not only do children pick up on their parents interests, i think they also are influenced by their parents' political and religious leanings. only when they start to think for themselves or rebel do they come to their own conclusions.

  2. I think I have both parents - my Mom was very good with musical instruments and my Father was good at being grumpy.

  3. It's a proven point.

  4. Big time...although it is not always desireable. Not to sound demeaning in any way but you're asking about interests as well as inherited talents. I couldn't wait to leave home so I could live my own life, on my terms. Most of their interests are not mine but that is due largely to how I was treated...and I am probably still rebelling, if I was honest with Based on friends who have a good relationship with their parents,  I've noted that they may share interests but with slight differences or variations. I really think that is the key variable - how good or bad the realtionship is.

  5. Yes, I have been influenced by my parents' interest, lifestyles and personalities. But in a negative way. I now do my dangest to not be like them, with my mum being a weak woman and my dad being a very mean person and a bully(though I hate saying it, it IS true).

  6. Yes, I think they are influenced.  However, sometimes it's because you are similar to your parent, and sometimes it is because you rebel against what your parent does.

    My mother was a Methodist Sunday school teacher.  I'm an atheist, after having been a witch for some 25 years.

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