
Do you think people are ONLY looking for people to agree with them not their opinions?

by  |  earlier

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Why do you think it is, that people with a different opinion often get blocked from questions from people with different views? Are they only wanting to hear one side of things?

Even if the answer isn't harassing by any means.




  1. yeah.  the answers that dont agree wit me suck.  

  2. I think there are numerous reasons.

    Many just have a bug up their wazoos and want to fight with others.

    Then there are those that want to make their point.

    Those that do this in honesty, are willing to realize that others have differing opinions. If YA was a bit more accommodating, people could express their side of any given issue and those reading it, MIGHT start to think about the issue and our country would be served.

    Much of what is put on this site is frequently untrue or mis statement. It's boiling down to propaganda.

    If you speak the truth, others can debate it ...or show where it is wrong if they choose.

    I find that the PRO group is very "sensitive" to differing opinions and they seek CANCELLATION of indisputable ideas as they can't prove otherwise. It's amazing how blank the screens go when you ask for justifications for why Illegals should be permitted. About all they can come up with is, God wants it, it's the nice thing to do or Mexico is just taking back ITs land that was stolen from it.

    I'll let you make up your own mind how good these answers are as many, many ANTI people have made numerous good point in my eyes to have these illegal criminals removed from the USA ASAP.

  3. Sometimes it is self defense. Certain people go around reporting people with different viewpoints so blocking them is the only way to stay alive(you may block others but ...).

  4. Yea, Some people can't handle the truth and take shelter with like minds.

    be careful don't get on the wrong side the Pros got a "secret group" out targeting and reporting from people with different opinions.

  5. That is so true!

    People i haven't answered before have blocked me. So it really makes me wonder what they are trying to prove while asking a question and only allowing certain people to answer. I myself love any information (good and bad) i can get on any issue...

  6. Si!

    They only like it from one side, and block us PROS!

    I can list the questions and answers of mine that have been deleted, but this answer will just get reported to.

  7. Hello Corrine

    I agree with you. Many people want to hear the things that will go with there way of thinking. Apparently you are not entitle to your own opinion because you are called a racist, and illegal immigrant and other names.

    That's to tell you how much education there is in our country. The saddest part is that some people take an opinion and repeat it over and over again until it becomes a "fact", a fact without anything to sustain it.

    The same thing goes for politics, if you are a Democrat, you are a Liberal, if you are a Republican you are conservative, no one takes the time to ask themselves of the significance of these words. But the propaganda goes on and on, like if a liberal or a conservative is a bad thing. Once we start to comprehend that things aren't always black or white, good or bad, our minds will expand to see other avenues, and respect others opinions or fact...

    A little disagreement is great for a good conversation!

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