
Do you think people are a little drastic about Obama?

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People say that America will "crash" if Obama is president.

How are we still afloat after Hurricane George W.?

Are people just afraid of "Change"?

Which is ironically Obamas slogan....strange.... can we go any lower than George W.?




  1. we cant, were gonna have to climb our way back to the top.. one step at a time.. and with Obama leading the way.. we WILL  make it..

  2. That's just the conservatives blowing smoke.  They always predict "gloom & doom" to try to scare people into voting their way.  I find them rather amusing.

    Obama will do an infinitely better job than their GWB has done.

  3. there are so many checks and balances in being a president that theres no way he or any candidate can run the country into the ground... if he or mccain does something really bad than they can always vote on impeachment... so in reality theres not to much or a way any of them could ruin the country as much as each party would like us to think=>

  4. Actually, no.... soft pedaling the consequences if anything....

  5. We can go lower by voting in McCain. It's just more of the same, and now if something happened to him while/if he should be president, we can have an ex-beauty pageant queen, step in and run things.  Wonder if she'll share her make-up tips?

  6. YES, I honestly feel People "Fear Change"!

    Obama's change is for the "GOOD" but....all will p**s & moan!

    B-T-W 'Rosemarie'....the REPUBLICANS have "NO" Checks & Balances, WHY do you think we/America is in the state we're in?

    When the Repubs had 'total' control of Congress, george bushit had a BLANK CHECK"!

    I suggest you 'ALL',  LQQK Back on the 'Last 7 years'!

    I feel what Obama may lack in Experience, Joe Biden's experience and  well selected Advisers will GET us THRU!

    America CANNOT Afford another 4 years of  (bush), Mc Same

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