
Do you think people are getting a little to into the "twilight" seris? With the whole vampire thing? ?

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I have overheard some people on various occasions and when they talk about vampires its as if they assume their real. I just think its kinda funny...I mean I really like the series and everything but not that much.

Weirdest thing: My friends sister...shes in her early 20's, got her side teeth shaven into points.........




  1. Yes. Annoying fads will always exist, unfortunately. Fantasy loses some of its fun for people who comprehend it's not real when others stop understanding a lot of the fun is that it IS outside of normal existence. As for shaving your teeth...I've heard of people having that done. Some people are into "extreme" body modification. I just want a little tattoo!

  2. Twilight isn't the only awsome book around.

    Those into fictional action should really try Saga of Darren Shan.

    And there's nothign funny about being into vampires.

    Even if you're not interested into vampires, you shouldn't question others' judgemental opinion.

  3. i absolutely love the twilight series... and i do love it so much that i would get t-shirts and posters and obsess over that hunky guys in it... but not to that point... that's sad... but i do love it!!!

    and i don't belive that they are real... i don't know anyone who does... and i know tons of people who love the series... but it is a fantastic book... and till you read it, it don't judge... cuz it is awesome!!

  4. That's creepy!  There is one thing that I know for sure (as an author).  You can write anything on paper and people will believe it...just because you are an author.  It's funny, but VERY SCARY at the same time.

  5. oh god, thats ****** up. yeah, i think it is a little crazy

  6. I think it is kind of sad what the myth of vampires has turned into. I am 18 years old and I feel like every girl my age is obsessed with twilight because the protagonist is so "hot and dreamy etc" What happened to Bram Stoker and Dracula? What about the classic Christopher Lee films? I think the book series has put a damper on what used to be a folklore and halloween story, turning into another lame teen obsession.  

  7. Well...they are real. They`re people, just like us. They`re not immortal, they don`t have super abilities.

    But yeah, "twilight" vamps don`t exist.

  8. she got..her teeth..pointed??


    okay i love the twilight series, but i dont believe that they exist..i mean there could be a possibilty, but most likely not, we just like to pretend that they are real!


  9. There will always be morons who can not distinguish fact from fiction. Feel sorry for them.

  10. I'm 16 now, and have always been obsessed with vampires. So when the Twilight series came out I read it and...was immediately disappointed. I don't think it's written all that great and really doesn't have any depth. It kinda reminds me of reading Eragon. =/

    99% Of the people that become "obsessed" with vampires by reading Twilight only do so because Edward is supposedly the hottest thing that walks the Earth. NOT because they actually are interested in vampires themselves, but only the vampires that Meyer created.

    And yes I believe actual vampires are real, just not the Twilight-type vampires. Have you never heard of psi or sang vampires at all? You should check out the site Bloodlyly gave you, it might actually include something that could help you to learn more about vampires.

    As for the teeth thing, that's been happening for years, it's not just because of the Twilight trend. But Twilight probably does have something to do with the recent burst of it.

  11. A better question would be why are people so interested in this particular cultural phenomena...  Also, I would hate to be your friend's sister when the compomised enamel on her canine teeth cracks, exposes the nerves, and necessitates two root canals!

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