
Do you think people are more rude these days or what?

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I recently started a new job. I consider myself to be a friendly, well-mannered person. But, I was shocked at just how rude some people are. When I enter into a room, and see someone, I say Good Morning. I was amazed at how some people just stare you right in the face and don't acknowledge you at all. Why do you think people feel that manners aren't really necessary? And a lot of these people have high-level jobs. I even held the door for a Manager that had his hands full, and do you know what this fool said to me. "Wow, you did that very well" What an ***!




  1. 0mg i would find a new job

  2. i dont think its polite to talk sh it about ppl behind their backs.

  3. Its not just these days. People have always been rude.


    I always try to be friendly, too. But some people are just always in a bad mood or something.

    Dont even pay attention to them.

  4. Yes I know people are so rude these days. I am very well mannered that's how my mom taught me. Yesterday in class I asked this one person a question and they totally ignored me!!! They didn't even turn and look at me and I know I said it loud enough to where they did hear me but people in small towns are so polite that's why I like the country better. But maybe they are just stereotype you since your new to the job just give it time. Good luck!

  5. Maybe it's your company morale?  I work in an office, I have been there 10 years and every time I see anyone in the hallway either one of us says "Hello" or "Good Morning" or "How are you"?  

    I know you said you just started but that shouldn't matter....I greet new or old people all the time and I know that goes the same for most people at my company.  Our Home office is about 170 people and not all department deal with one another so its not a matter of not knowing each other its common courtesy.

    And no my company has issues dont get me wrong...we just dont take it out on each other.  Give it time...I'm sure they will accept you.

  6. You keep being ho you are.  Don't allow anyone else's rudeness change you.  you seem to be a very kind and considerate person.  Keep on being YOU.

  7. I agree with you totally. I'm only 13 and people are so rude to me! You seem really well mannered. My mom taught me to be that way, too. When I'm walking my dog, I say hi to everyone that is walking past me, and most of them just stare at me! There was a mentally ill person at a cafe once, and there were people just sitting by laughing at her. I mean, seriously, how rude can they get? It's so annoying, isn't it?

  8. I live in California and people aren't so nice here, but I was in Texas for a week and everyone was so nice!

  9. I agree with you! people are very rude now days and they lack manners. a simple thank you or good morning doesn't hurt anyone. i think people should stop and appreciate life. they are too busy thinking about getting ahead, bills, problems, inflation, etc. it's sad, but i definitely agree with you on this one!

  10. People are becoming desensitized.  We keep to ourselves and invade everyone else's privacy.  Some people were not brought up socializing and have no idea how to politely socialize.  We like telling people off and forget kindness

  11. YES, YES,YES, People are getting rude.  I find it amazing in stores where the customer used to always be right you can be treated like you're invading their space and bothering to want to spend money there.  Also, you are the first one I have heard of complaining so I guess everyone else is too rude to notice how rudley they are being treated.  Schools and parents apparently aren't teaching good manners anymore. And, have forgotten theirs.  There is little humanity left in the majority of humans

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