
Do you think people can just "lose the will to live"?

by  |  earlier

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i DO NOT mean from depression, i mean if they "give up" then physical illness can take over. i DO NOT mean suicide at all.




  1. yes this is true..

    sports and a positive outlook on life can release endorphines in the brain..

    having no will to liv may can make the body weak and vulnerable to illnesses..

    maybe best to keep up the fruits and vitamin intake

  2. Yes honey. I do believe that to be a truth. Out of a broken heart, out of lonely feelings, out of desperation from suffering..Yes.

  3. I lost everything that I thought made "me" a number of years ago;

    I lost my husband, marriage, children, family, home, farm, business...and I suffered from Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, leftover nonsense from Cancer... I lost the will to live, yeah.

    It was not so much that I wanted to die, as that I just didn't want to slog through the struggle of living. I'd get through one day, and then there would be a whole nuther one to get through. It was rough. It was exhausting.

    At one point, I was attending a group function and the leader of the group passed around paper and crayons and told us to draw ourselves and our life. I just sat there, and after about ten minutes, I got up and walked out.

    I kept going to my support group because, well, because they told me to. I just kept going. After about 6 wrenching, horrendous years of work, I had the stunning revelation one day that I had been the one chosen to go through this ghastly gawdawful atrocity because I am the one who can survive it. And more than survive it, I am the one who can go on to find peace and even happiness, and stand witness for those who come after me, who think that their situation is not survivable.

    You are not fooling, I remember long days of sitting on a sofa, staring at the wall, unable to decide to even eat or get dressed. Thank goodness for my little cat, who I carried out of the holocaust in my arms, and thank goodness for those people who said, "See you tomorrow night"...wherever the  support group meeting was the next night, they made sure to gently remind me that I was wanted and needed there, and when and where to show up.

    So not only is it possible to lose the will to live, it is possible to get it back, as well. Thank you for asking.  

  4. actually yes, I have seen it many times in the elderly and 'turning his/her face to the wall and dying' is a recognised condition in hospitals generally - although no-one would ever admit it!  

  5. Certainly, it happens to surviving partners all the time.

  6. I think that it's possible to lose your will to live. There are indeed people who are interested in nothing, or maybe after losing the ones they loved, they feel too lonely to think of things to do, apart from ways to get them back -if the person isn't deceased. That's when, in my opinion, physical illness takes over. It's all the obsessive thoughts that can't be distracted by anything else.

    So, whenever the person isn't daydreaming and hoping and being optimistic about the situation, they feel like "giving up" because nothing else is worth fighting for.

  7. Never thought of that, interesting question i got to say...I say, Anything is Possible!!!!  

  8. there is a lot that cant do it, but i dont think anyone would just out of the blue if all was normal.

  9. Yes,most definitely.If a person feels there is nothing worth living for.Usually,a man who loses his wife,will not survive her for very long.

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