
Do you think people doubt that you can/will achieve your dreams?

by  |  earlier

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I think everyone I have shared this information with does not believe I can do it, and they really do not take me seriously, which I find a bit frustrating and downgrading. For instance, the other day my friend and I were talking about Uni courses and careers etc etc and he suggested I do something, well, I guess you could call it much easier. I don't think I am stupid, and I think my straight A's with the odd B here and there look better next to his C's, if I do say so myself.

I have barely told anyone of what my ultimate amibition in life is, and that is because I know what they will be thinking. I am hard working, determined, persistant and good at what I would like to persue, and I think if I worked hard enough I could do it. And no, it is not as though I am hoping to be a famous celebrity of something. If it were that, I would definately believe them.

Sometimes I question myself and wonder if I am being extremely naive. I am only quite young and I guess you could say I don't have much life experience. I think that I believe that yes, I do dream big, but it has to happen to someone, why not me?

Does anyone else feel/felt the same way?




  1. You should search "The Last Lecture"  on YouTube.

    It's by a professor who died recently and he has a lot of things to say that would work for you.

    Among them is the observation that life puts walls in our way, not to stop us, but to show us how badly we want something.

    Those who give up easily find the wall a handy excuse.

    Those who are determined to succeed will find a way past the wall.

    You sound like you're in the latter group.

    If you want this badly enough, you'll find a way to achieve it.

    Good luck.

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