
Do you think people generally have trust issues and if so do you believe society played a part in this?

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Do you think people generally have trust issues and if so do you believe society played a part in this?




  1. human nature. we learn fairly early on the basic human traits of greed, selfishness, pettiness, gossip, etc similiar to the original 7 deadly sins. we only have to be burned once to realize its wise to hold back.

  2. I'm not sure what you mean by "society".  But I do think people have trust issues, especially when they know or see someone in a position of trust abuse their authority.  Examples:

    - Elliot Spitzer, AG of New York (just resigned)

    - People who lie under oath (during a trial)

    - Pedophile priests who were defrocked but not otherwise punished

    - Abusive caregivers

  3. Are you thinking of sociological points here?   At any point someone may tend to act out of self interest as opposed to altruism.  So we can trust that we won't know how someone will behave, thus not depend on them.  So some degree of 'trust issue' is inherent in our society.

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