
Do you think people really have super powers but just dont tell us?

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Do you think people really have super powers but just dont tell us?




  1. Nope not at all! Some people are just outrageously athletic and strong. To me, there is always an explanation for everything.

  2. You will never know.

  3. Yes they do.Mabey not powers youre talking about.But they have a power to make you smile.And trust me there are some magical beings........

  4. possibly...i could undeerstand them if they did, because as soon as word got out, I bet tons of science labs would try to harness their super powers or copy their DNA to clone for future know like on X-men.

  5. I think it's possible.  It would be hard to hide thiugh.

  6. I believe every one has gifts,some choose to use them ,others choose to shut them down.

  7. Not really.

  8. Yes, we have the power to lightens someones day with a smile.  We have the power to make someone feel better by saying thank you.  We have the power to stop a child's pain with a kiss, and heal a persons fear with a word.  Sounds like a super power to me.

  9. No, I dont think anyone has superpowers. We are all capable of things we cannot imagine, but other than that, I dont think people could fly or have heat vision.

  10. i do, i'm invincible

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