
Do you think people really liked Palin's speech yesterday a lot more than McCain's?

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I see just fake enthusiasm tonight unless he mentions Palin.




  1. I know lots of people who might vote for McCain because of Sarah Palin. Most say that they do not like McCain very much. Because they love Sarah Palin a lot.

    I will probably be voting for Obama but I do not have an opinion about his running mate Biden.

  2. Nothing like Obama's though.'

  3. if anyone knows fake enthusiasm, it should be you. You wife shows it to you all the time.

  4. Although emotionless, I like McCain's speech far better than Palin's at this point.  He is trying to reach out to the people and explain his goals.

  5. I loved her speech it was awesome.

  6. Well i must admit he is a little boring compared with the female dictator.

  7. I'm guessing the people who really enjoy snarky criticism delivered in a very high pitch did.

    Loose Lips Grampy McSame just puts people to sleep.

  8. It seems they were much more enthusiastic for her than him.

    I like him more than her.  I might have considered voting for him if it weren't for Palin.

  9. John McCain keeps talking about fighting, and Sarah Palin kept attacking.

    I hated both speeches, but I think John McCain's speech is A LITTLE better so FAR. BECAUSE at least he's talking about WHAT he's going to do if he gets elected.

  10. Palin is a very likeable person and very direct- people like directness

  11. Palin is hot.  even if she's a relgious freak neo-con gun toting looney.   Pit bull with lipstick.. you know those things kill people.  

    For me.. the best part of Palin's speech was the "mute" button.  

  12. well, she IS better to look at!

  13. they liked her nastiness. Sort of like Comedy central being revealed to a lot of old people.

    I think McCain looks old and tired, and sounds that way too.  

  14. She certainly came closer to filling the seats. (Still some empty.)

    He closed off a huge section, and still has empty seats on top of that.

  15. Well, listening to the dryer is more interesting than John McCain's speeches, but they are both idiots who make me mad.  

  16. Yes.

    Her professional beauty contestant training thoroughly prepared her for addressing crowds.

    And it's a good thing we got a chance to see her.  Because she's not giving any interviews.

    McCain and the Republicans are keeping her hidden so that the media can't ask her questions about all the lies she's been telling.

  17. Well I dont like Palin, Not  because she is a republican, but because Who Is She. We know nothing about her at all. Okay she is a Mom with Kids and Sick Child, and a pregnant teenager. Thats typical in most american families. Most of the stuff she said in her speech the other night was a lie. She didn't in-fact sell the company jet on e-bay, it wouldn't sell and it was bought about 8 months later from someone else. And other occassions she lied about also.Tune in to CNN for details. Now is that someone we want in the Office protecting our country?. I don't!  And before she has even entered the Office she is already lying. I support Obama, not because he is a Democrat or because he is black I support Obama because, I believe his word and I feel like he is speaking to me and the side of the tracks I'm from. He is a strong speaker and a excellent sentaor and father. We really don't know how either party will do as President because, neither has ever been. But it is time for change and, I don't feel like McCain/ Palin is the right direction to go. The Republican Party has had 8 years to get it right but instead we have been suffering and so many Young Americans have died for us. I don't want to see our country suffer any longer. A change needs to come and that Only way is through Obama/Biden.

  18. I think that lots of high up people talked up paylin but rank and file christian republicans are questioning why she's turining her daughter into tabloid roadkill.

  19. Yes.

    I did.

    Maybe Mccain should've hired some cute kids.

    the protester livened it up a bit though;

    Obama/Biden 08

  20. yeah,, not much new there...

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