
Do you think people rely too much on the internet and cable tv to get election news?

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Especially when there are so many lies and falsehoods on the internet and people can make up any thing and it doesn't have to be substantiated. Also on Cable news channel's where let's be honest there really isn't any non bias stations except for cspan probably.




  1. No.  

         It is necessary to cull through every piece of information you can find.  If you constantly educate yourself about an issue or idea you will eventually come to a conclusion.  It is better to have millions of information sources than to rely on a limited number of corporate/politically sponsored organizations that have their own agenda in mind.  It is possible to find the truth if you use logic and reason.  

  2. yes

  3. This started decades ago when TV became involved with the election process.

  4. Yes! Quick and no thinking required! That's what American's like the most.

  5. Of course they do.  It's ridiculous to believe what you hear on networks who mainly air mind-numbing "reality" and celebrity gossip shows.  That's why I objectively listen to each candidate and immediately change the channel whenever a biased talking head starts analyzing.  The candidates themselves will determine how I vote, not some so-called "political expert "on TV.

  6. Where else are you going to get your news from? Newspapers? They're the most biased form of media around! You basically have to watch a few different sources, and make up your own mind.

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