
Do you think people should ever get married?

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  1. Yes, I think people should get married.  Family is the base of all societies.

  2. Yes, but only for the right reasons. Not because they believe they are getting old or are afraid of ending up alone and all the other bogus reasons people usually do it. I think a lot of people just settle and later regret it.

    It's tough though because even if you marry someone you truly love and respect and vice versa, things can change so I think getting married is a bit risky.

  3. Yes of course what else is there to the meaning of life then finding someone to spend your life with and to love and have a family if your want.  Yes the divorce rate is high and all it doe's not mean you should give up on marriage.  I love being married almost 9yrs now if you find a loving person able to stay faithful to you then why not chance having a life full of joy then staying single and alone.

  4. It depends.. some people love to be single all their life.

  5. Yes.  It's a serious decision and not something you should just rush into just because it is romantic to do so.  Nor should it be something you do just because you've been with somebody for a long time and feel like you ought to.  But when you go into marriage for the right reasons, it will last and is worth it.

  6. it's up to the indiidual...some want to marry others don't...simple

  7. I would love to marry you one day darling.

  8. sure, if they are right for each other!! If they have the same goals and values. If they are fully committed to their marriage why not?

  9. Only if they are truly in love

  10. As a Christian, yes, do get married. As a human, yes, share your life with one person who cares for you above all others.  

  11. its up to them but i aint getting married

  12. yep they should, if they love each other then y wait. so if ur thinking of getting married then go for it, i got married last year and it was the best day of my life and im loving every second of it

    takecare hun x

  13. Almost no one stays married anymore. I think if you're 100% sure you want to spend your life with one person get married.

  14. I certainly do.  There is nothing better for a child than to be living with both parents, especially if they love each other as my son and daughter-in-law do.

  15. Marriage is not the problem, it is the modern version of marriage that is the problem.  We need to go back about 1000 years.  It worked out then.

  16. Not unless children are involved. They need to be financially  protected and offered formal role models.

  17. I think that if it's something a person has always thought they would do at some point in their life, then yes he/she should get married.  It's a great experience even if it does go wrong somewhere down the line.  "'Tis better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all."

  18. It suits some people and not others.

    It's freedom of choice isn't it ? After all, we're still living in a free country- just about.

  19. Yes, if the find the right person they want to spend the rest of their life with, they should get married. = )

  20. If they truly are in love, then most definitely! <3

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