
Do you think people should have been thinking green 10-50 years ago, instead of when just when gas price is up

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Do you think people should have been thinking green 10-50 years ago, instead of when just when gas price is up




  1. You are so right about the fact that we should have been developing a responsible energy policy many years ago.

    Republicans have historically tried to develop new progressive energy policy, but this has consistently been blocked by the liberal democrats such as Carter, and Clinton (Bill).  

    So let's place the blame where it belongs.  In the laps of the liberal dems, who are at this moment blocking these efforts once again, for us to be able to develop and tap our own oil resources.  

    But this time, the people are fed up with these exorbitant gas prices and it's choking effect on our economy, and resulting in higher food prices and the cost of goods.  

    There is a major uprising brewing, and the dems are starting to bolt and backtrack.  Every one of them should be voted out of office.  

    That would be a wonderful day, and a victory for the American way.

  2. Most defiantly.

  3. yes but people were making predictions of global warming like 20 years ago

  4. They were, why do you think they invented the catalytic converter, stopped burning coal as a main fuel and enacted littering and clean air laws?

    They all thought that gas would have run out by now and we would be in flying cars with little nuclear reactors as promised by the manufacturers and the government.

    By the way, where the h**l is my flying car, I still don't have it!

  5. In some ways they were 10 years ago, watch who killed the electric car, its a very intresting documentry

  6. Nah

  7. No, gas was and still is the cheapest form of energy.  Until it becomes more expensive than these "alternatives" we will continue to use it as our primary source.

  8. In my own perspective the decrease of gas supply and the increase of prices is sort of a wake up call to Society. 10 to 50 years ago there were people who went green but it wasn't as advertised in mainstream media than what is today. It depends on what going green is because way before 10-50 years ago there were groups who believed the earth should be of greatest diligence like for example Spiritual Native Americans. Now that there is a recession and weird climate changes are occurring people want to wake up. Going green should have been looked upon more 10 to 50 years ago but life mostly dependent on economy and globalization than. If a large amount of individuals cared about the earth 50 years ago we wouldn't be in the crisis we are in today.

  9. Well then, they were stupid, and didn't know of greenhouse gases or most pollutants that causes greenhouse gases.  They most likely didn't think of electric cars or solar-powered homes.  They just wanted to drive their Chevy to the levy!!

  10. no you only want to make it look like you care not really impliment anything as long as the windmills are on the ground and there is enough red tape to dround in you cant say you never tried besides its going to take a long time to put that stuff up you have to have lots of people holding themselfs up with there thumb in there bhind and at least 6 people to hold up the shovel while one does all the work and since noone cares about safety now we have to take another break cause theres been an accident but you need to be replaced because you care way to much about safety and your a trouble maker because you have made to many smart suggestions we watched the comment box you need to git your jacket and leave here we cant have to much green thinking in fact we cant stand to have any at all besides how would i light my hundred dollar bill that im smoking instead of a cigar with it just looks better if you pretend to do something when something is very bad that way every thing looks good like you really cared and meanwhile your letters went right to training my puppies and the other went were the roll goes why is our d**n toilet jammed

  11. Do some research. People were. I don't know a lot about this stuff, I try to keep my mind as uncluttered as possible and I know if I need an answer, I know where and how to find it rather than believing what I am told or what is most popular (media). But...with a little searching you can find the answer too! People have know about 'green living' for a long time but certain groups have blocked this knowledge and actually passed over legislation for it. I'm not naming names but all you have to ask yourself is-who would benefit most from the world being dependent on oil? So it's not the 'people' who weren't thinking green, but as usual, the 'people' who weren't thinking at all and allowed a small few to make the important decisions.

  12. Of course!  You know, people call me crazy but I am actually happy with the high gas prices.  Nothing made me more angry than seeing a single woman or man driving around in a huge SUV.   If we want something to be done for our Earth we have to make these sacrifices since we are all not on the same page regarding how important this crusade is!

    Cheers and Peace!

  13. They were thinking "green" about 40 years ago.  I remember reading in Popular Science Magazine about plans to launch mile wide thin film solar cells in orbit around the earth and beaming back (via microwaves) energy to receiving stations in unpopulated areas of Nevada, Calif. Utah or other desert places.

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