
Do you think people that do not work at all should have kids?

by  |  earlier

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Neither the man or woman works and has no income --should they keep on having kids?




  1. yes, they should! they should have the right to, but they ethicly and morally shouldnt. the point is if they can put food on the table and clean clothes on thier backs, then it is none of our buisiness unless they abuse or neglect!!!!!!!!

  2. that's really weird.... are they living off the state or something. i think that's very irrisponsible to do something like that.

  3. NO.  People that do not want to work should not have kids.

  4. no way! sets a bad example for the kids.

  5. Babies are a blessing everyone of them on this earth,and just because they are having a rough time it doesn't mean two weeks latter they wont get hired at that job that will make things a whole lot better.

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