
Do you think people that like hockey are good people?

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How do you feel about Sarah Palin when you hear that she considers herself a "hockey mom" does that influence your opinion of her, or more importantly who you will vote for in the upcomming election?

I'm just curious whether it has any impact on people's perception of her at all.




  1. The Palin announcement probably stepped all over Barack Obama's post-convention bounce. h**l, for all I know, this one decision might actually help McCain win the presidency.

    But that doesn't change the fact that this is the single most ridiculous development in presidential politics in a generation.

    A top "loyal Bushie" said that McCain's decision is "disrespectful to the office of the presidency." That's actually a pretty good way of characterizing it.

    Campaigns have their ads, their polls, and their tactics, but at the end of the day, credible people who care about the country know that this is more than just a theatrical game -- the future of the nation counts more than the future of a candidate. Those who take affairs of state seriously may take cheap shots, shade the truth now and then, and run the kind of conventional campaigns we've all grown accustomed to, but honorable Americans of character don't gamble with the nation's well-being. They know there are lines that can't be crossed for expediency's sake, no matter how strong the temptation.

    McCain was asked a while back about what he'd look for in a running mate. He said the "key" is to find the person "most prepared to take my place" in the event of a crisis. McCain spent the ensuing months with a motto: "Country first."

    I don't doubt for a moment that Sarah Palin is a nice person and probably a competent Alaskan governor. But she also has the thinnest background of any candidate for national office since 1908. Is McCain willing, with a straight face, to argue that Palin is the single "most prepared" person in the entire United States to assume the presidency should tragedy strike? Is anyone, anywhere, prepared to argue that McCain has put "country first"? Of course not; these ideas are literally laughable.

    Palin's qualifications are, to a very real degree, secondary to the issue at hand. What matters most right now is John McCain's comically dangerous sense of judgment. He picked a running mate he met once for 15 minutes, who's been the governor of a small state for a year and a half, and who is in the midst of an abuse-of-power investigation in which she appears to have lied rather blatantly. She has no obvious expertise in any area, and no record of any kind of federal issues. McCain doesn't care.

    We're poised to learn a great deal about Sarah Palin, but we've just learned even more about John McCain. He's fundamentally unsuited for the presidency.

  2. Are you kidding? I am living in Canada now and let me tell you, the quality of hockey moms here for the most part are booze swilling, chain smoking losers.If that is indicative of what she is, no way, I would not want that in the next president, because we all know McCain is one serious fall from dyeing(sp)anyway with his ancient a$s.


    I just asked a question like this the other day.

    It's good to see that she likes hockey but that will have no impact on who I will vote for in 08.

    The truth is there are good and bad people everywhere regardless of what they like and don't like from all walks of life.


  4. hockey mom or not she's not qualified to take the vice presidency and specially not qualified to take the presidency God forbid something hapens to the 72 year old Mccain.  Im going to be just a few months off from being able to vote but if i could i'd be voting for obama

  5. Check out People who enjoy that type of violence are the definition of creeps. Cheering on someone getting beaten bloody in a brawl, shameful people.

  6. I really don't care whether or not Gov. Palin likes hockey or not.  I actually think its a good things she likes sports.  My decision not to vote for McCain/Palin will have more to do with disagreement with their policy ideas rather than a choice in sports.

  7. Warning: I don't know how long I could wind up going on this or how short. Be warned, this could be quite long.

    Your question highlights the largest challenge to Democracy in the US today. Not terrorism, not the Economy, not the War in Iraq, not the deficit. Our democracy has been proven to work though those multiple times, and none are really a large threat to democracy in and of themselves. In combination with a power hungry leader though, it can get quite bad. However, that is not the focus of this.

    The focus of this is the triviality of the American voter. American Voters tend to search for shortcuts to making a choice- often on things that are completely irrelevant to the issue at hand. Obama is a black man, McCain was tortured by the Viet Cong- who the h**l cares? While things like torture may be significant to the person, it doesn't matter. I'll say it. I don't give a f*ck if the guy running is a veteran, won 10 medals or was a shopkeeper at home and never went to war. I want to vote on their solutions to the issues concering us today.

    The issues. You hear a lot about them, but nobody seems to care. They say the country is sexist after Obama wins over Clinton. If Clinton won they would say the country is Racist.

    F*ck off.

    Gender and Race can be valuable as political identities- but they hold no truth as to how a person will solve an issue or lead the nation.

    Take Palin. Female. But anti-abortion even in cases of rape and incest. Anti -environment. Involved in a legal case for Abuse of power where the evidence is very strong against her.

    An idiot on the issues. She is on the wrong side of virtually every scientific report,  many laws, and the bounds of common sense.

    Yet you're on here asking if the fact that she's a hockey mom makes here a good candidate. For Shame.

    In the past 2 elections, we have had a positive idiot with no success in government or business elected to the highest office in the land. Why? Because people thought they could have a beer with him. They thought that character could be judged by superficial tendencies. And they thought that all you needed was character. Intelligence was unnecessary.  Just looking the part was enough.

    Trouble is, it isn't. Right now, Elite is a negative in politics. Elite means the best: according to webster, " the best of a class"

    When you are electing somebody to lead a nation, don't you want somebody elite? An elite thinker perhaps? Somebody who is considered an elite in the American meritocracy doesn't get there by accident. They get there BECAUSE THEY ARE SMARTER THEN YOU. THIS IS A GOOD THING.

    Everybody seems to hate that politicians seem to talk down to them on issues, and when they do they call them elitist. But when they talk to those same people as equals, those people get confused, start taking what's said out of context and attacking the candidate with what they said, in ways that would be comical if not for the fact that it's determining who governs the country.

    The thing is, sometimes it is necessary to talk down to a group, simply because that group will not have the education and training in the subject that the person doing the talking will. We refuse to listen when a candidate tries to teach us about an issue because we think we know about it when in reality we know nothing.

    My solution? Do some research. And vote for whoever you agree with on philosophy of government and positions you agree with more, not who says they like your favorite sport or who you think you could have a beer with. If you want to vote on those things, please leave my country.

  8. Well i'm not voting, because I don't live in America. I don't care if she's a hockey mom . Obama should be the next president.  

  9. i dont really care about her being a "hockey mom" or whatever, shes probs just trying to make herself easier to relate to or whatever, but in my opinion if she such a big "hockey mom" and family person, it doesnt sound like she has much time to help run a country. she has 5 kids, one of them being a baby with downs syndrome..having a baby is hard work as it is, but having it be mentally handicapped makes the situation even more time consuming than it already would have been if the baby was healthy. she should be home raising her family. then theres the rumors that the baby is actually her daughter's and that they covered up her daughters pregnancy and said it was her own or whatever..idk

    im not old enough to vote in this election, but im deff not a mccain person..i would probs be voting for obama if i could

  10. I think this is the HOCKEY section, NOT the POLITICS section. Stop dragging politics in to sports people. She could say she likes to eat a banana a day and it wouldn't effect my vote. First off I vote for PRESIDENT, not Vice-President. Second I'm more worried about politics when I vote, I don't care if she says she is a "hockey mom". I wish these people would stop trying to "buy" votes with there remarks.  

  11. Hi

    Baa Baa Baa, I see a bunch of sheep following what the reporters tell you. Back when this country was founded it was not on the principle that you had to be a senior polition to be able to be President. Leadership rules where a civic duty and not a career move. While I understand the need for people to do these roles full time, I think less emthise needs to be placed on what they have been doing for the last 20 years. I reflect now and realise why so many have issues in their day to day lives. In many aspects they keep trying the same thing and expect different results. Meet guys at bar, keep have one night stand, he never calls back, girl cries to friends guy is jerk, repeat, all guys are jerks. I hate my job, I quit and get same job with different company, i hate my job, working must suck. President isn't doing his job, elect new president with simalar back ground claiming slightly different views he sucks, try again. Never once did anyone of these examples try something new. How does switching politcal parties really help if your still electing form the wealthy. How can you find the right guy if u don't go looking else where. If you do not like your job try career change. Talk is cheap in this world and while I am glad to see several people under 18 interested please remember to check the sources of what being reported to you. How many scandels occured last election? Instead of spending time online posting what you heard spend it looking up and finding out for yourself. Get off AP sites and go look for the original transcripts they are out there and you might be surprised at how much is opinionated in a news artical and broadcast. Saddens me that so much of our news now a days is dedicated to editorals and less to actual news.

    My perception of Palin was set long before last friday.

    Thank You

  12. Yes I think Hockey people are good people, I have met many in my time, there is good and bad in everyone.

  13. My problem with McCain's choice is that he choose a person almost nobody had heard of before. She has only been governor of Alaska for two years. I don't know how someone with the little experience can be vice president. McCain only met her a few months ago. I would've liked to see him choose Tom Pawlenty or even Tom Ridge. I would've even preferred Leiberman or Romney and I don't like them very much.

    Anyway I really don't care if she is a hockey mom. I can't vote because I'm Canadian, and I'm not old enough. I would vote for Obama because he made a smart choice for his running mate.

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