
Do you think people who ask questions in Thailand section are getting more and more serious?

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I mean I hang around here more than a year, and the questions get deeper and deeper. It's unbelievable that people outside of Thailand will pay serious attention to Thailand about social, economic, and political situation in Thailand this much.

May be some spook is using this site to find out information to do post report?




  1. no they aren't.... most questions about are about, s*x, vacation spots, work, and the odd indian wanting to know technical details of work/ travel requirements... the rest are extranious, and not a significant portion of the questions...

  2. I don't think so. I started looking and answering in winter 2 1/2 years ago when I lived there and continue to check in and answer questions about the town where I lived.

    The reason some topics can seem so serious is because of the problems with visa confusion and overstays. Even the smartest person can get tripped up a bit on the very confusing visa laws. Especially since some shifts in the government 2 years ago makes some things for residents impossible to understand.

    I've asked and received a lot of good answers from the "regulars" about other parts of Thailand.

    Most of what I see is questions about hotels, stuff to do, etc...

    The ones I hate the most are questions about all girls being prostitutes :( One Q that actually made me get up from the computer and take a walk to calm down was about the Phuket plane crash last year.;...

    But I think the section is cool. Hours of amusement for me!

    Ice cube--I'm American but lived in Thailand (Phuket) several years for my husband's work (construction engineering). I was intimidated and confused at first by my new "home", but the Thai people were very kind and hospitable beyond belief. My friends there became like a family. I don't really like how some of the tourists treat the Thais in that town--maybe that affects my answers a bit.

    I don't answer some serious questions sometimes, because I don't have the knowledge to give a good answer. But if you want to know where to eat, stay or whatever in Patong, then I'm your girl!

    I just hope I can return to live there some day. No spookin' here, I'm just a housewife :)

  3. You may get some politics and odd stuff every now and then but most of the questions seem travel related or general Thai inquiries.  (Although, many questions could be answered with a simple Google search!)

    Take a look at the Philippines travel section where you see lots of questions like "If I was an apple would you bite me?" or "Why is there air? or "What is your favorite color on a Thursday???"

    Could be worse!

  4. This American business man was randomly asking me what I studied in school. I said, I was majoring in Political Science. He went on and on about Thai Rak Thai party and Mr. Taksin Chinawatra. I don't think he has ever been to Thailand. However, he could be a Vietnam Veteran. Well, this man know his stuffs and even more than me who is a Thai and suppose to be an expert on Thai politics haha ^_^.

    I have asked all type questions on YA posts. I figure nobody know me and they probably don't care! lol :)

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