
Do you think people who smile and say hello to strangers are weird?

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Does it make a diffrerence if they're young or old, male or female, how they're dressed?




  1. i smile sometimes at strangers i dont say that'd be weird i think i got so used to it cuz i have to do it at work so i just do it all the time now & i dont even notice or pick up on it.

    & nah it doesnt matter how old they are.or fem/maleor how their dressed.

  2. No.

    I do that all the time.

    I was voted the nicest person in my graduating class because I said hello to strangers and smiled at whoever. It's not like I did it on purpose it's just the person I am. People who smile and say hello to strangers probably tend to get along with others a lot better then people who don't talk and don't smile. : )

  3. I try to smile at everyone if I notice them looking at me, as when our eyes meet.  I don't deliberately smile at everyone.  I think you have to be careful of some cultures who don't believe in looking at people especially eye to eye.  I think I would do it sparingly.  The situation may make a difference too as when you are sitting in a waiting room in a doctor's office, etc, it would be okay.

  4. of course if more people did that the world be such a better place to live in. Its sad you could live next door to someone for years and never say hello or anything people need to be more friendly because you will never know what your missing out a really great friend or even the love of your life....

  5. No, it's not weird....if you get in a position where you have eye contact with someone you're facing while you walk it's like an ice breaker.  I think it's weird that people can walk right by someone who is looking at you and not say hi.

  6. Like if you are walking on the street and you just make eye contact, so they smile or say hello? That's perfectly normal. Or if you are on a run and pass someone else and you smile or nod or acknowledge them, is normal. It is weird if people think its weird. Unless someone is coming on to you and you have no idea who they are its just a nice gesture.

  7. I think its nice. i hate it when people all stand in a lift together - inches away from each other, and no one says a word. we are all on the one planet, and although we are all from different walks of life, we are all human beings. . a little hello here and there can make the world of difference to someones day.

  8. um, well i usually smile at people sometimes when im like walking past, especially old people for some weird reason... they seem so helpless and innocent :P

    but saying hi to randoms is kinda weird, unless your like making a move or something i guess, lmao

  9. The fact that this question even needs to be asked makes me question my faith in humanity. Of Course it's not weird, it's just people being nice, and if waving and saying hello is weird, what kind of place must the world be?

  10. Nope.

    They are called "Friendly". They are being nice. And upbeat.

    I grew up everyone did it. It was extremely odd for someone not to, or not to respond.

    Sometimes, you might even have a conversation. Then there are those who you eventually become friends with.

    "Strangers are just friends you haven't met yet"

  11. No I don't think it is weird at all. I always say helle and start conversations when I am out. Sometimes my friends say I am weird but I don't really care. That is how you get to know people in your community. If people think you are weird they must be really weird.

  12. yes anyone who does that is weird, but its healthy to be weird and everyone should go out and make a fool of themselves today for the adrenaline! Its weird in a good way, and fun and friendly!

  13. I dont think being kind to a stranger is weird at all.  A simple smile can brighten someones day and remind them that there are still kind people in this world.  I am personally part of the small group that smiles to a stranger now and then and my opinion on acting kind to a person depending on their look, age, or gender is to not be too concerned of what they look like.

  14. as long as that person isn't hitting on the other i think it's great.

    i hate how humans have become so unfreindly, consieted, etc..

    because of these poeple can't just smile & say hey to someone they don't know.

    it would be great if evreyone could just conversation wiht anyone.  

    my friend told me that in p.e.i. evreyone is friendly wiht anyone. theyll just be like like hello, how are you today? :)

    i find that great!

    but now because different reasons we can't do that & i think that's a shame.

  15. I'm that person.  I say hello to everyone with a smile. "have a good day" "how are you", its called being friendly NOT wierd and I've never had anyone NOT respond with the same smile and response back

  16. when the walmart greeters say hello...that doesn't bother me.

    random persons that hold the door, or make small eye contact with a smile says hello, thats just polite.

    when old people say hello and then nothing else it seems slightly weird. but if they keep talking thats normal.

    when a creepy (hiding his bald with a baseball hat, looks like he took a bath in a sand pit, wearing a jacket when it's 100 F outside...) guy says hello when you saw him come in from the other side of convenient store, that's not okay.

  17. honestly, no. ive had many conversations with complete strangers, even drank with bums that i had never seen before. its all about the human condition. go with your gut.

    for the most part, they are pretty chill.

  18. absolutely not. if someone makes eye contact with you on the street, its polite to at least smile or acknowledge that you see them. some people give off an aura of being approachable, and those are the ones you would probably say hello to. i would be more likely to say hello of smile at a cute guy that like an old decrepid woman.

  19. yea unless u bump in to them or hold a door for them or sum ****. Useuallu the only time a girl should ever say hello to a guy is after his cremed in her face.

  20. Nope, because I am one of them. I believe that it's important to address another persons humanity no matter what they look like or how old/young they are.

  21. If it's on the street, yeah, that's weird. But if they're working in the same company or in the same school, no. It depends on the location.

  22. No. I'll smile, nod, and occasionally say hello to strangers when I pass by them on the sidewalk.

    Why go through life ignoring everyone else or walking around with a chip on your shoulder? Way too cynical for my tastes.

  23. h**l no!!! you know that unncomfortable feeling that you get when your walking down that long strech of sidewalk and its only you and the other person walking in the opposite direction. Then you walking pass the person and feel awakward and you look straight ahead or look down. That is because you didn't say hello. If you think about it we are all suppose to say hello to one another, that's waht makes us human. Think about it.

  24. if they're elderly i dont mind it... until they start having conversations...

    if they're young, then its just kinda... uncomfortable.

  25. Oh god, I smile at everyone. Well, not EVERONE.

    But when I see those people who look like they need a little smile, I give them a little smirk. Who knows, maybe it brightened their day up just for that one second.

  26. In a city like NYC if you say hello to a stranger on the street they'll think you're trying to rob them or think you're crazy. But, in other states where you where you don't live in a big city if you say hello to a stranger on street the stranger will see that as an nice respectful thing and greet you back. So it really depends on where you are.

    What they're dressed? well if you think it's a homeless guy and he's following you and then says hello to you and keeps staring at you then yea it's weird. But if it's a non homeless looking person then it's not weird.  it really shouldn't matter if they're male or female. Some people just want to be nice and greeet everyone some people greet to steal or whatever.

    Really depends on where you are.

  27. No, it's not weird. Here in Texas we call that "being polite", though I've noted in places like Berkeley & New York it's considered to be harassment or a physical threat.

  28. it depends on where you live. in bigger cities people are less likely to even make eye contact with you, let alone say hello. if you live in a small town, its pretty normal.

  29. No I don't think this is weird,I do it all the time,but when I first moved to Vermont it took a little while to get used to everyone waving to you as they drove by.Now years latter I do it too.

  30. I was riding my bike on a bike path one day, and a girl who was riding a bike going the other way passed me, honked a little giraffe horn that she had and said hello. It was awesome and I would love to have that giraffe horn. I smile at people if I make eye contact with them, but I don't talk to them...that would be a little strange.

  31. It depends: if you see a person frequently or live in the same neighborhood, it's fine to say hello. If you work in the same place or go to the same school, it's fine to say hello.

    If you have never seen the person before and probably won't ever see the person again, it's a little weird to say hello.

    But smiling is definitely always acceptable!

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