
Do you think people will be influenced by parents and friends and how?

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1-Do you think people will be influenced by parents and friends and how?




  1. Yes. It's the people that surround someone. The people surrounded by them can adopt their behaviour... song choice.. etc. If your parents did drugs, your friends did drugs.. then it might seem okay to the person.

  2. Hello there,

    Everyone has a focus in life either good or bad.

    Your own focus depends on your life experiences and what can inspire you into action. However, you need people to succeed, people who can make your dream come true.

    Now to your question, you may be influenced by anybody not necessarily by your parents or friends. The most important person who can easily influence anyone is YOU!. If anything catches your fancy how do you feel?

    Parental or friends influence depends on what you believe and what exactly you want in life. No one forces anybody to be a success in life. Period  

    Flow on!

  3. By their parents, especially.  What goes on around you at home while you're growing up has a major influence in how you turn out.  By friends, not so much.  Only if you allow them to influence you.

  4. How could they not be?  People are (mainly) products of their environment (with a little bit of influence from genetics.)

    edit: MECHValor, if you've learned from your parents' mistakes, that is a form of influence.

  5. not necessarily---my parents didn't influence me so much--while i can say that I don't want to live the lifes my folks have/had.  My friends aren't my influence-while I may look  up to more than one individual--it is the mistakes my parents committed that have given me a vision of what I would like to do with my life--God willing.

  6. I think this depends upon how free the person is courageous enough to be. All of those are learning experience adn then ther eis the desire of how you wish to live out your own morality .

    When we are teenagers it seems a really stressful time to make the transition to becoming an adult physically, morally emotionally spiritually to become an independent adult.

    If we do indeed separate fully then we make up our own rules for ourselves. If we don't separate then we have to keep on with the rules that we have been given.

    If I had stayed with the rules of my family of origin I would probably be imprisoned as a thief by now. Not all families are wonderful. As t is I have never had so much as a parking ticket. cross fingers! touch wood!

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