
Do you think people will not vote for Barack simply because of his race?

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It amazes me to see so many people on here who are racists and try to hide their reasons for not voting for Barack under other issues. Do you think many are just simply to cowardly to admit that they don't want to vote for Barack based on the color of his skin?




  1. Many ADMIT IT who are for him....On the other side.....we have many other reasons...race to most on the conservative side IS NOT AN ISSUE...a US demeaning Socialist is not what we want in the Oval Office

  2. More people are voting for him because of his race. If this man was white, he'd be laughed off the stage. Grow up a bit and understand that most people who oppose him are actually doing so because of the issues and his poor judgment and lack od real-life experience. He's a genuine socialist, and I can never support him for that. You may need a nanny-state, but I do not.

  3. yes, racism is alive and well in this country ... it's sad!

  4. His race has never been an issue to anyone but his supporters

    His racism is another story

  5. I'm sure that there are some who won't vote for him because he's of mixed color, yes and I will include both Democrats and Republicans into that equation.  

    For the most part, I think that the larger populace will vote for whichever side best meets their own political ideology.  I know that I will for sure.

    Obama is as far left as I am to the right.

  6. Some will, yes. Others simply because he is a racist himself.

  7. Yes there are people that are like you thing there are any that will vote for him just because he is black....that is after all the whole of his camp trying to get the minority vote.??????

  8. You don't have to be a racist to not want to see Barack Obama get elected. All you have to be is against socialism, want a candidate that has some experience, not want your taxes raised,don't trust someone who attended a church with an Anti-American minister for 20 years. I would gladly vote for a black man or woman that shared my views. Obama has a couple of things going for him. He is very charismatic, good looking and good at giving speeches. He has nothing of substance that makes me feel he would be a good President, and if you look at his past, there are a lot of questions I would like to have answered before I would feel comfortable voting for him, most Dem's don't know the answers to these questions either, but it doesn't seem to bother them the way it bothers any rational person. This race is for the President of the United States, not the President of Whitmore High Class of 2009. This isn't the time to vote for someone because you like or dislike them, you vote for them if they have proven they can lead the country in troubled times. I'm sure there are people not voting for Obama because he is black, but I'm also sure there are people voting for him just because he is black.  If Obama were white, I don't think Americans would blindly follow him without addressing some of the questions about his past.

  9. 43% of voters are 'closet racists'  Basically, majority of McCain supporters. Otherwise  one can not explain 75% of Bush disapproval rating and yet 43% votes for McCain.

  10. I think there will be more people that vote FOR Obama because of race, not because of his policies. Racism is racism, and if people vote for Obama because of his race, they are just as bad as those vote against him.

    Let's have a discussion on the issues, starting with the economy and oil.  

  11. YES - just like people are voting for McSame just because he is WHITE - the fact that he is stupid doesn't seem to bother many, they will always believe that white is right - sad group of people!

  12. Yeah, when people say he's inexperienced and basically a socialist what we are really doing are being racist. I see........Interesting......

  13. Stale question that's been asked and answered more than a hundred times.

    Since Obama is mixed we're voting gray.  

  14. It is true.

    There are several people who have openly said on camera, in places like West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, and other states, that they will never vote for a black man.

    So the answer is obviously yes.

  15. Actually, I know a few people who openly acknowledge the fact that they don't want a black President. By the way, I plan to vote for him myself.

  16. I think in a lot of the older generations, that may still be a problem.  

  17. There are those who will not vote for him because of his race and those who will vote FOR him because of his race.  One is just as bad as the other.

  18. Yes, I think that there is a lot of racial tension in the US that will manifest itself at the polls.  Take, for instance, the extremely high crime rates among blacks, the black on black violence and the black on white violence.  It is unacceptable.

  19. Some people will vote obama because of race

    some will not vote obama because of race

    some will vote repub due to woman

    some will not vote repub due to woman

    Myself, I would like another candidate, but will settle for McCain - Sorry nothing to do with race, I even require my landscaper to have some experience, and to come up with solutions other than "change".  

  20. Unfortunately, yes, there will be a small minority that will vote based only on his race. There will also be a small minority that will vote for him only because he is of African decent.

    And the same will also hold true for McCain: A small minority will vote for him because he has a female running mate, and a small minority wil not vote for him for that same reason.

    For me, I am leaning toward McCain because of his fiscal policies. I don't think Obama's idea of taxing the rich to pay for all his programs he wants is the right thing to do.

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