
Do you think personalities are determined by genes?

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If so can we be held responsible for our actions? Could certain genetic "defects" be the reason some people are pedophiles or sociopaths? Would it blur the line between right and wrong or would society eventually accept it saying: "...they were just born that way..."?

What does everyone think?




  1. I saw a documentry recently and they said yes, some factors of your personality are passed through genes. others are determined by environment, people in it, education, etc.

    No I don't think that we can say "it's not my fault" because at the end of the day you make the choice to do whatever.

    Like I'm a clicker.  I can take c**p for so long, but that one thing will make me click.  That was apparently passed on through genes.....and if I could say I was born that way and it's not my fault then I bet I wouldn't have a case before the courts at the moment.

    Can you imagine?  "It's not my fault, I got it from my mum". Then she says "Oh it's not my fault, I got it from my dad". They'd be going through the family for god knows how long and no one would be brought to justice.  If they do do it...does that mean that it can be traced allllllll they way back to Adam & Eve?  Let's blame them....but God created let's blame God???

    It just doesn't work.

  2. The politically correct answer is a resounding NO!  If you allow that personality traits can be determined by genes, then you are one step away from saying race can affect behavior.  Don't even think about going there.

  3. I think that although some things are genetically programmed, a great deal of a person's personality comes from nurture and not nature.  By that I mean that it depends on how they are raised and the people that they are surrounded with.  Typically, if you look at some of the mannerisms or major defining characteristics of an individual's personality, you will find that they share a great deal of their qualities with a parent, grandparent, guardian, or family member.  I don't believe this is truly because of genetics, but rather because of them being surrounded by that person as growing up.  We all know that even simply surrounding ourselves with a certain group of close friends can change our attitudes and actions directly.  I believe being raised a certain way has the strongest impact on who you become as a young adult.

    Also, aside from personality traits caused by Autism or other disorders, I don't buy the "born that way" argument.  I actually think that it is an argument that has lately been used as an excuse for immoral behavior.  People are beginning to use it to make excuses for why they are engaging in behavior that they know is morally wrong in order to remove responsibility for their own actions.  Although I would not be incredibly surprised if sociopaths and pedophiles begin to claim they were "born that way,"  without significant evidence, I personally will never believe that to be the case.  

  4. Yes. But your education determines it more than your genes!

  5. Partially. But, environment plays a big role, too.

  6. I seriously doubt that your personality is who you are and what your life has made you it's about where you live, how you live, and how you act I don't see any reason genes would play a part in it.

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