
Do you think phelps lost his 7th race?

by  |  earlier

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I did too, at first. But I changed my mind after seeing this picture. I trust the sensor pads over anything else now. This should shut all you naysayers up. You're all jealous of USA.




  1. Why would you question the touch pads?

  2. phelps phan phorever!!


       no, he won.  yeah.. go michael. go usa

  4. Never question the touch pads. The Olympics. They use high technology, so I think we're good.

    Yes, I've seen the photo-finishes, they replayed in slow-mo lot's of times on NBC.

    I feel bad for poor 'Cabbage' (I can't remember the guy's name and I'm not about to waste two seconds looking it up, and that's what his name sounded like so...), he was so winning the race, but he had a terrible finish; glided all the way in, and even lifted his head up at the end. Tsk, tsk.

  5. Phelps is a true american hero

  6. h**l yeh cuz stone cold said so and me

    google 001ofasecond and 1st link

  7. On the fence on this or they could had tried as well.  Unsure what would happen in tie in swimming.

  8. To everyone who said he clearly won, that's BS.  It was clear as mud.  From the pictures, there's absolutely no way to tell from the angles that NBC showed.  If it were based on those pics, I'd have to say it was a tie.  Thankfully, though, we have touchpads that are 99% accurate, so I'm pretty confident that Phelps won.  Somehow I doubt that the Chinese would go out of their way ot rig the pads so that the American would win.  

  9. Well, guess who one of Michael Phelps' primary sponsors happens to be? None other than Omega, the official time keeper of the Olympic Games. Other damaging evidence of a dispute is the refusal of Omega to release photographs of the finish, claiming that they don't engage in that...well, they have engaged in the release of photo finished in track and field forever. The second most damaging factor is that, in the last individual race of an amazing run, Phelps' loss would have been a huge letdown to everyone, with no one gaining anything but Milovan Cervic. Third, and I was wondering this myself, as it did not look as if Phelps beat Cervic to the wall with both hands. I thought one had to touch the wall with two hands in the butterfly. Well FINA's rule SW 8.4 states that the touch "must be made with BOTH HANDS SIMULTANEOUSLY."

    See more about the possible conflict of interest here (I have no association with this site):

    I don't dispute that Phelps is a great champion, or a good guy or any of that. What I do dispute is the ethical implications of corporate sponsorships of athletes like Phelps in sports in which the said sponsor has a direct influence on the potential interpretation of results. I also dispute the need for all of this name-calling and baseless censoring of anyone who questions the results. It is unhealthy for the world wide wide, for the United States and for the world in general.

    So if you want to call me anti-American or say that I am jealous of the US, go ahead. However, I think it is the essence of "American" to question this type of relationship and situation, or any other for that matter.

  10. phelps won for sureee.

  11. the only reason he got it was because the other guy's fingers and head went up before touching the wall so it was like he had to go further.

  12. You can clearly see his hand touching the wall before his opponent.  It was really close though.

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