
Do you think pink colour is suitable for man?

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  1. It depends I've personally some friends who can wear those bright type of color & it brings out their personality & skin tones.

    I find that pink colour suits people with white fair skin, normal tanned skin type but not dark skin as it will make the skin appear more dark to swallowed it off as background.

    It also depends on which type of pink.

    Baby Pink - most appear nice in it. Regardless of gender.

    Neon Pink - those very pink type usually looks good whn mix n' match with other colors. Usually ppl. like Barbie dolls, Mariah Carey, Paris Hilton, or entertainment can bring them out with style & class. I've seen them on q***r Eye on Straight Guys, it does make them appear feminine but they hv the charms to bring them out.

    Since pink is a bright color so opposite effects of black & blue lah.. thus highly not recommended for ppl. who want to hide any parts they find unpresentable e.g. pot belly, flabby arms, bulging man chest/b***s, & etc. strictly no no.. except if it's an over sized T-Shirt

  2. it depends from the skin color.

  3. It really depends on the shade and the guy wearing it. Some guys can look quite cool in pink but some will just look well.... weird.

  4. Personally, it puts me off a guy....

  5. Just no pink underwear, please !

  6. very few men can pull this off, but no i dont think its suitable.

  7. clour is just a colour. it doesnt matter what colour as long as it is a colour.

  8. 'f*g'

  9. NO!

    Not today, Not tommorow not ever..

    unless your g*y...

    It's a feminine colour! blokes look like idiots wearing it... don;t you see the looks girls give you? and it's not 'OMG he;s so in touch with his feminine side'

  10. i look hot in pink! bwahaha...

  11. yes, i love the color pink

    i hate that guys/men think they will be ladyish by wearing pink... i think a man who wears pink is s**y and confident

  12. i don't like pink colour ..and i don't like my boyfriend wear pink colour either (imagine his tall and big body with mustaches and beard wearing pink maybe very light pink mix with other colour still acceptable for certain guy...(metrosexsual guy)

  13. Yes. My bf wears kemeja belang2 pink and white... Orait je?

  14. Light Pink Long Sleeve Shirt suits me BEST

  15. I like Blue. Depends on what pink item the guy wants, but generally no lah..

  16. im a guy and i don't see whats wrong with the color pink its a color so what if guys like pink besides it takes a real man to wear pink.

  17. Yes. Of course! :D

    Also you don't have to be g*y -.-

    I've seen lots of straight guys wear pink pffffft.

  18. g*y juga

  19. pink panther also garang what

  20. Yeah, if the man is comfortable with his manlyhood, not to mention if he's g*y.....

  21. h**l no!

  22. I don't think it's suitable for me, nor most of the guys.

    I see some guys with dark dark skin, wear pink quite ok.

    Some guys a bit yellowish, wear pink d**n ugly.

    Fair fair skin wear pink is the nicest, but how many guys out there really have FAIR FAIR FAIR skin?

    For me, I have long hair already if I wear pink again, habis, all girls run away from me...

  23. Pink is a big NO NO for men

  24. Korean movie stars seem to be able to pull it off nicely!

    Maybe it's the physique (tall and well-toned); makes them look anything but effeminate.

    But the colour pink and mauve/lavender didn't work for most Malaysian men.

  25. Rafransoblinger...........

  26. Well if he is a suitable guy like you don't want a bodybuilder to wear pink but an average guy wouldn't look that bad I hate it when people say guys can't wear pink because it's FEMININE it's stupid but the guy also has to like to wear it but of course if he's not a suitable guy i.e bodybuilder, michael phelps or superstars but if it's for a friend or just an average person I don't see why not.

  27. Yes I do. It is what the guy wants!

  28. Maybe...

  29. If they want people to think they are g*y.

  30. only if they dont wear a lot of bright pink. but paler pink doesnt look bad.

  31. Suitable. Could be...Perhaps pink is the color that most woman want. A man also wants what most woman want.

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