
Do you think planning your future at a young age is a good thing?

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I'm the type of person that needs to constantly plan what I do. If I’m traveling somewhere I always plan my vacation and learn as much as I can about the area in which I am staying at. If I don't plan I stress out. I just want to know if what I’m doing is worth it? I mean have you ever planned your future to only be disappointed at no getting what you wanted?

Or maybe it's me, maybe I'm not trying hard enough.




  1. I think it's good to plan, but don't think what you plan is written in stones because life sometimes throw curve ball at you.  Sometimes you end up changing or altering your plans.

  2. You can't always predict what will happen in your life but if your planning that's a good start.

    My suggestion is to always have money in savings.

    Never live above your means.

    Open an IRA or 401K as soon as possible. Time is on your side.

  3. Interestingly yes

  4. I do that too, don't worry. I already know what I want to be, which colleges I want to go to, and where I want to live. If it stresses you out, then keep on doing what you do. The future doesn't always plan out the way we want, but if we make right decisions we won't end up with unplanned pregnancies or drug addictions. I'm not saying that was in those peoples plans, just some bad judgement decisions were made. Sometimes, things don't go the way we planned, but down the road maybe those things that didn't plan out the way you wanted them to led you to something better than you could have planned for.

    It gives you a bit of adventure in your life, even if a bit stressful. Don't worry- it's not that you're not trying hard. It's just that's how life is:

    there is no plan.

  5. Planning is a good thing for sure, but you may be obsessive-compulsive about it.  At a young age it's hard to accurately plan for the future, but there's no harm in starting a savings/investment program.  It'll really pay off later and set a pattern which can carry you thru life.  Also, stay in school and get your education.  No need to pick a career just yet, there's plenty of time for that.  You sound very level-headed, but don't forget to kick back and smell the roses sometimes.  That's part of the enjoyment of life too, besides financial security.

  6. well it is allways good to have somesort of plans but there will allways be things in life that suprise you and you will have to cancle or change your plans for imidate or future actions, so basicaly have plans but do not put them in stone

  7. Great idea when it comes to savings and investments. Also good for your education. About other things, you have to remain flexible. Man makes plans and the gods laugh. {OK, so it sounds better in Latin.]

  8. i dont think its bad

  9. I say u should plan it out but u should go with the flow too life won't come at u that easy I am 21 still has not finish school cause my mom is sick i have to take care of her I say enjoy life to its fullest u never know when i ur gonna go

  10. Its important to do plan, yes.  On the same note, it is important to live in the present.  Your life is really the present when you think about it.  Maybe you need to make sure  you are able to accomplish  your interests on a small level each day/week, ALONG  with downtime, volunteer time, exercize time, etc. etc.

  11. Yes it won't hurt but doesn't always happen according to your plans.

    But it def helps !

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