
Do you think polar bears should be listed as endangered or threatened?

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  1. threatened.

  2. Since there are only a few hundred left then they SHOULD be on the list.  

    Eskimos need to quit eating them for their meat as well.

  3. I believe that ARE already on the endangered species list.

  4. Neither, I saw a study that stated that their population has risen from 5000 in the 70s to more than 25000 today. They have done just fine, without humans getting involved. I wouldn't be surprised if the numbers go down, now that man is fooling around with mother nature.

  5. I am glad that were listed as a threatened species.  Their extinction would be tragic.  Now all we need is people do take action in saving them.

  6. I know I'll take a hit for this, but it is true, so here you go:

    The polar bears on are this list so environmental lawyers can begin their long-awaited litigation against energy companies.  They don't care about polar bears; they care about money.  So your sweet little cuddly bears are going to cost you a lot more in gas.  As if it isn't bad enough now.  So be happy that your bears are on The List, but you'd better start walking to work.

  7. Absolutely. Human actions are destroying their habitat.

    I just watched a video on MSNBC about a huge 'shelf' in  Antarctica that got disconnected due to global warming (6 times the size of Manhattan). You may think 'What's that got to do with me?' and I can promise you that this kind of event is irreversible. There is nothing humans can do to stop the damage that is already happening. When those giant chunks of ice go into the ocean, they will eventually raise sea levels and cities like San Francisco and Manhattan may disappear pretty soon.

  8. Endangered, since threatened just means almost endangered.

  9. While it's great that they have been listed as threatened, if you read the article carefully you'll see that the Secretary of the Interior is actually saying that gas and oil drilling is going to continue around their habitat AND he's going to try to change the Endangered Species Act! Very sneaky. But then this is the guy who has protected fewer species than any other Sec. of Interior ever.

  10. The listing is better than nothing, but not by much as long as the EPA still says it would be "inappropriate" to take effective action against the causes of sea ice melt.  What is the point of recognizing them as threatened if we declare that we are not willing to do anything about the threat.

  11. There are still 20,000 polar bears.  I believe that putting them on the threatened list yesterday was the right thing to do.  They can certainly upgrade to endangered if needed but threatened should be the first step.

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