
Do you think police will beat up protesters at the National political conventions next year.?

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roughness by the authorities seems to be a pattern?




  1. Nah, they won't beat them up. Instead, peaceful protesters will be Tasered, or other methods of "pain compliance" will be utilized. Police should remember that their duty is to protect citizens from criminals, not act as enforcers for a tyrannical police state. I'm not painting with a broad brush, as all police officers are not sociopathic. But it seems to me that an ever-increasing number of brutish, bullies, completely devoid of compassion for ANYONE, are becoming police officers.


  2. Depends on if the protestors break the law as they have in previous conventions.

  3. Hopefully.

  4. They have much better ways of crowd control and brute force is the last resort. I have training in this area and as long as the protestors do not throw things, cross a predetermined line (private property), or assault someone they will be fine. However; a person is smart but people are stupid and if the mob mentality takes over than I say they deserve all the beating they get. If they want to act like wild animals then they should be treated like them. Besides rubber pellets and tear gas aren't that bad. Sure the pellets hurt and tear gas makes you choke and burn, but the police who use them are requied to help you after.

  5. I doubt the police will do anything of that nature unless the crowds get malicious.

    I Cr 13;8a

  6. Yes

  7. Seeing as everyone is expecting it now - no.

  8. It all depends. If there is a peaceful demonstration, then there will be no problems. If those morons in the black masks show up...... stay as far from them as you can. They are only looking to battle the police and will do anything it takes to make it happen.

  9. I think they definitely will, and depending on which way the election has been rigged, their opponents of the winning party will get whomped on more.

    Note my disillusionment with the system, but yet my utter complacency with the status quo.

  10. I'm so glad I was raised by a decent Republican dad.  I respect and am thankful for police officers, and think you are a shameful brat.

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