
Do you think pool should be removed from the sports section because it is not a sport?

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Do you think pool should be removed from the sports section because it is not a sport?




  1. no,,,,,

  2. Yeah if you do that, then ESPN will lobby to have POKER listed as a sport!!!

  3. Pool is more of a sport than half the games in the Olympics. There is a set way to win, and it takes polished physical skills to  play. It takes practice and skill to pocket balls in pool but anyone who isn't a paraplegic can pick up a hand of cards.

    'Professional' Wrestling is not a sport, it's a TV show. Ask the wrestlers, they'll tell you the same thing.

    I think if you want to remove anything as a sport, it should be things like gymnastics, synchronized swimming, and figure skating. Any 'sport' that chooses a winner based solely on a person's opinion of how pretty it looked is little more than a beauty pageant.

  4. Yeah.  It's more of a game, isn't it?

  5. Wrestling is more of a sport than either pool or snooker.

  6. Why isn't it a sport? You can't sit in your chair and play a game of pool like you do a game of checkers. It takes hand eye coordination doesn't it? There are proper mechanics involved are there not? Sure, you don't have to be young ,strong or fast to play pool but just try playing in one of those 4 or 5 day long tournaments and you will find out how good a shape your in. Not a sport? I'm not sold on that idea.

  7. No keep it in Sports or... move it to Games and move Wrestling.

    Wrestling isnt a sport anyways its Entertainment. Don't put Wrestling in Entertainment either because it will spam out all the good questions.

    Give it its own section in "No One Cares"

  8. As soon as you move wrestling to the soap opers

    I have never thought of it as a sport anymore than cards But i can also think of a dozen problems it has in this cat other than what it is called they all have been well covered to no avail

    I have had some good response in the gambling catagory where it really belongs but if you know how to talk to yahoo please let me and everyone else know i would be glad for it to move-Wonder if Dippy ever lost her spare tire around her gut i been really worried about that or if zit face found his active x or if waldo found his pool filter this s**+- keeps me awake at night with worryNo wonder Earl has mental problems

  9. Wherever it belongs isn't nearly as important as limiting the number of swimming pool and video game questions in the category.  Pool does fit the definition of a sport, whether or not it's considered one by many.  It may not necessarily be an athletic endeavor, but pool does requires great physical agility, coordination, precision, etc.  I don't think most pool players really care if anyone else considers it a sport or a game.  As long as I can get to a table, call it whatever you want.  M.D.-BCA Instructor/Referee.

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