
Do you think postponing the RNC will help or hurt McCain?

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or have no effect at all? poll-wise. i mean Bush and Cheney aren't showing up and many other prominent people.

and we just witnessed a fantastic convention from the dems, do you think this postponing will decrease his "bump" in the polls?




  1. Irrelevant

  2. The people still have the INTERNET.

  3. It doesn't matter, John McCain has to do what is right for America. And helping people affected by this Hurricane is not only the right thing to do, it is the only thing that matters right now. So lets all go out and do our part, in helping our fellow Americans, through this difficult time.  

  4. The situation helps them a lot.  After 8 years of practice on how to employ FEAR as a political tactic, Gustav couldn't have come along at a better time.  The Republicans want to muddy the waters, to confuse, and counterbalance the voters who were won over by the Democratic Convention.  Sarah Palin was the first wrench thrown into those gears of change, and acting as if they care about the plight of the less fortunate (notice asking for donations and volunteers less than sending in government aid) postponing the convention which will give them even more time to hype it up and use the disaster to prove they're capable and able to conquer national challenges, etc.  They'll be championing the military and making the Dems out to be whiny wimps.  We've just barely begun to see the backlash they're planning.

  5. It won't hurt from a public perception standpoint, delay of the RNC will have a dampening of precious momentum that the GOP desperately needs.  For this reason alone, McCain's chances may be hurt. Right now the Republican Party has no momentum, they need more than a bump, but they are having to deal with the world affairs and the aftermath of their own decisions on their watch.  Hurricane Gustav is one of many issues, now they have to revisit the voter election process in these states that have been hit by the Hurricane with displaced residents in other states.  Housing, transportation and employment, the 3 bears now awaits the Republican leadership. My point is that they have no breathing room or break to celebrate, catch their breath and coordinate a viable election plan.  

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