
Do you think preforming a spinning pile-driver from the top rope is safe?

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That's my finishing move ( local wrestler) but everyone says is not safe

what do you think?




  1. I honestly wouldnt make this my finishing move.  Fans like flashy moves, not moves that will require you 10 secs to set up.  

    But as safety goes, I would defiently practice.  Its very dangerous and if you ever make it to the WWE, they wouldnt allow it.

  2. Yep it's potentially dangerous for your opponent if you mistime the manoeuver and land badly or if your knees/ legs aren't in position to cushion his neck.That's how Stone Cold had his neck broken at Summerslam 1997 as a result of a miscued Hart Driver.It's an exciting move which you might need to practice in order to get it right every time.Good luck !

  3. just dont botch the move and you should be fine

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