
Do you think preschool teachers generally love the children entrusted to them in their class?

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I think it is important a child receives love throughout the day. A big reason I am worried about preschool is that his teacher won't love him, children need love and nurturing to grow. I have a week to decide if he goes to preschool, I still haven't met his teacher who will be in next week. What do I do? What do you think about preschool and love?




  1. I am a preschool teacher and I definitely learn to love every child that comes into my class! All teachers are not like that though.

    Call the teacher as soon as possible to see if she's willing to meet with you one-on-one. A good prek teacher will make time to spend with a parent- parental involvement should be HUGE in prek. Talk with her about the program- most of the day should be play, and there should be NO worksheets! Ask her about her behavior management plan- there shouldn't be time out in preschool (it works at home, but its humiliating in a public setting), and gentle guidance is the preferred method.

    Go with your gut once you meet her. You are right, they do need to be around adults who love them and care about them. Many teachers do provide this, but there are those who see it as "just a job" and don't believe providing that warmth and love is part of their job.

    Prek is (usually) good for kids though- especially the access to engaging materials and the socialization skills they will gain.

    If you do enroll him, volunteer in his classroom so you can observe. If the teacher discourages parent volunteerism, that's not a good sign.

    Also do a google search for "10 signs of a high quality preschool program"

  2. I think they do, teachers have to love kids or they wouldn't do that job.  I went to preschool and I loved it, my teacher was great!  My mom also volunteered a lot so she was there as well, maybe you can do that too.  I really don't think you have to worry about the teacher not loving the children, and preschool is a great learning experience for kids, it is a good way to teach them social skills.  I suggest you put him in it!

  3. I think there are those that really love their job and love the children and then there are those that are simply there to collect a pay check.  

    If I were you I would ask to meet the teacher.  Sit and visit with her for a short time.  Then go with your gut feeling.  You can always enroll him and if you are not happy take him out.  The best thing for a parent to do is be involved.  Volunteer in the classroom, visit, ask a lot of questions.  

    Best of luck!!

  4. I really would not worry, I work with little ones from 3-6 year and everyone that works there loves all the children and will do anything for them. Almost any person who gets into that kind of job, does it because they love to work with children. So, don't worry i'm sure your child will be absolutely fine. And yes sometimes I get children who I can't stand. lol. But I love them anyways. They all bring a smile to my face. And if you ever have any problems with the teacher, just take your child else where.  

  5. Depends, some do and some do not.  That is why you have to research each place that you are considering. Then you decide which is best for you and your child.

  6. i think your child has all the love he/she needs from you.

    i dont' love every child i meet. however, i treat them with respect and kindness.  isn't that just as important.  

  7. Preschool teachers eventually will, just not at first. At first, they don't even know them. They will grow on them. Preschool teachers have to love kids, otherwise they might be in a lot of trouble with a big group. ;-) They should.

  8. Are you talking about full time daycare or preschool?  Preschool usually (to me) means 3 hours a day, 2 or 3 days a week.  To this I would reply that love is not necessary.  However, with 15 plus hours a week...Yes, I think you are on to something and many will tell you "no" and even more will tell you that they've never thought about it.  Don't lose that great parental instinct you've already got.  You're d**n right that your child should be surrounded by people that have their best interests at the top of their priorities.  You may find yourself in a position where you cannot find fulltime care for your child by someone who genuinely loves them.  With a mini part time program...Go for it!  Coaches will be the same way!

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