
Do you think prescription are a scam?

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I do...

why cant people understand that prescription is just a business between DR. and insurance companies....

Dr's these days= u go to one.. he/she writes a prescription thats it HE DOESNT HELP YOU LONG TERM.... then u come back with another side effect problem to get another prescripotion ..etc. etc...taking 5 pills a day normal? h**l no

presctiption are only temporary and dont fix the whole problem..





  1. if you think your medications aren't helping either tell your doctor or get a second opinion(from another doctor) and guess what all those non prescription drugs, their making money too.

    plus prescription drugs generally are required by the FDA to do what they are claimed to do(the figure out if that is the case by scientific testing) the alternative treatments aren't usually regulated by the FDA so they can say what ever they wont so long as they don't claim that it cures a desiease.

  2. I agree with John. Your obvious going to the doctor for drugs for minor issues.  If you develop a chronic and life-threatening illness, you would not be complaining about mild side effects and the number of pills you have to swallow.  Believe me, people are not taking huge amount of medication for fun.  

    Finally, if you truly believe your doctor is over-prescribing, you don't have to get the prescriptions filled!!

  3. absolutely the Dr rights more prescriptions the more holidays he/she get as a prise as a gift from the DRUG company. more than half the people in the world young and old are on some kind of medication just to survive day to day life, bipolar seems to be the excepted illness of the 21st century.

    Bring back the good old mind over matter she'll be right tomorrow.

    Most doctors go to learn and get there qualifications then get stuck in a room seeing 20 to 40 people a day with mostly the same issues. what do they do other than write prescriptions and take your blood pressure.? GPs that is

    If you need a specialist to keep you alive that is a totally different story :)

    The doctor GP get paid a consultation fee from medicare in Australia about $45 for about 5/10 minutes chat and most times writing out a prescription not bad money 20 to 40 times a day 8 am to 8 or 9 pm as doctors in my area do

    I have 30 years experience of back pain, sinusitis, migraine,so on

    In all that time the only real remedy i have experienced is from chiropractor,

    All the GPs ever do is offer me Drugs to put me in another dimension well away from reality i tell you no lie

  4. You're making this claim from an extensive pharmaceutical knowledge base, I suppose.  If you ever get diabetes, tell them you don't want the insulin.  If you get angina, tell them you don't want the nitro.  If you ever have rheumatoid arthritis, tell them you don't want the alpha inhibitors.  If you ever have surgery, tell them you don't want the anesthetic.  If you have a myocardial infarction, tell them you don't want the TCP.  And after that, tell them you don't want the blood thinners or beta blockers.  The list goes on for hundreds and hundreds more examples.

    The reason many people even HAVE a "long term" is because of prescription drugs.  Without my medications I would have been dead six years ago.  I think being alive is a form of "getting better," compared to being dead, don't you?  

    Either you are being brainwashed by the alternative medicine crowd, (which IS a scam), or you're just spouting something you heard and you think it makes you sound like you know the "real scoop."  Fortunately, people with your excess of opinion and lack of knowledge don't command positions of influence in the field of medicine.

  5. The doctor makes a grand total of zero dollars if he prescribes nothing, aspirin or a $10,000 dollar a month synthetic protein hormone. Zero dollars. The insurance companies sure as h**l like the first one better. The pharmacists make better money off the cheap, generic drugs than they do off the expensive, shiny new ones. The only people who like the crazy expensive meds are the drug companies, and under the guidelines that came out last month, they can't even give out those pens with the drug names on them anymore.

    So then. How do we fix chronic illnesses? Schizophrenia? Panic Disorder? Autism? Diabetes? Pain? Epilepsy? Blood Pressure? Hyperlipidemia? Autoimmune diseases? Please, if taking pills every day is so evil, enlighten us to the alternative.

    You're either trolling, or a natural medicine enthusiast. I hope the latter, it'll make this more entertaining.

  6. Hmm... so I should tell my doctor that I liked my Crohn's disease better when it was untreated?  Back in the good old days before he gave me a prescription to take, when the illness was destroying my small intestine inch by inch, when I was 6 feet tall and 98 pounds, when I had a tube draining my GI tract so it wouldn't rupture?  Yeah, I miss those days.  I'll tell my doctor to stop writing those prescriptions.

    Never gonna happen.  I'm alive because of my doctor, and I honestly don't care how much money he makes from the medication that keeps me going.

  7. You're wrong about the business. There's no money in writing a prescription for the doctor: he charges for evaluation and management, and doesn't get paid to write a prescription. Neither is it good for the insurance companies, who actually pay for the drugs. If no prescription is written, that's more money they get to keep.

    Also, many medications are valuable treatments, and all have to have proven effects.

    I suspect the reason you feel that way is that you routinely go to the doctor when you have minor, self-limited illnesses. They require no prescription, but since patients often expect one, there's a tendency of doctors to write them for temporary treatment of symptoms. I personally tend to recommend that no drugs be used when I treat somebody with a cold, bronchitis, or a stomach virus; that generally goes over like a lead balloon. People get a lot of prescriptions because they insist on them.

  8. yeah i know.

    and also ask your doctor whats INSIDE the pill, they have no clue...

    the pharmacist sell the products and try to make as much money as possible... all the doctors know is what the pharmacist tells them.

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