
Do you think president bush will go down as one of the worst president of all time?

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Do you think president bush will go down as one of the worst president of all time?




  1. Why is this question in horse racing? It has nothing whatever to do with the sport or with horses in general.

  2. I hope so!

    RIP Barbaro


  3. No, nobody will ever be compete with Clinton in this category.

  4. Yep, I'm convinvced

  5. fyi- bush is not a horse, nor does he race anything.

  6. No.

    The Dow hitting record highs, unemployment low, interest rates very low.

    Engaging the enemy in the war on terror.

    I hit the Trifecta in last year's Derby, while Bush was President!

  7. Why horse racing?  Are you part of the failed education system?

  8. No.

    A nice guy who tried his best, but failed

    in many areas. You can blame on his bad luck.

  9. Only on some people opinion

  10. yes... absolutely

  11. YES!!!  By far, he is & will always been the worst president that America will have.

  12. Could be, but I'm sure someone else will come along and beat him out

  13. Abusolutely, but with so many right wing blow hards and the Fox network, he will probably be have a life size bronzed statue of him erected somewhere in Texas.  I've never seen so many tactical errors in my life.  He's a joke and at least 1/2 of the US, and the rest of the world knows it.  I also think I know why it was posted in horse racing, because even the dumbest horse out there could outwit Bush.  At least all Clinton did was sleep around, Bush is getting thousands killed because of his lies and mistakes.  He makes for good comedy though.

  14. In reality, no. In the picture that the liberal media has painted of him, yes.

  15. Not getting enough attention over in POLITICS??? Why put this in the horseracing category?

  16. What does this have to do with horseracing?

    That being said, I think that he will be ranked right in there with some of the bottom dwellers:

    Buchanan (No, not Pat),  A. Johnson (Not L.B.J.), Pierce,

    Harding and Harrison (Not George). Maybe a little better than Hoover (Politics in a vacuum?) and Arthur (That's his last name).

  17. I definitely do. He seems to be most intent on getting the U.S. into as many wars as possible, and doesn't seem to care about the major probems of our own country- i.e- healthcare for all, homelessness, gasoline prices being jacked up, the poor care our brave veterans receive, and homeland security among many others!

  18. for sure, right next to hoover

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