
Do you think presidents should have military experience?Why or why not?

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Do you think presidents should have military experience?Why or why not?




  1. I do not think it matters one way or the other, When you are the president you will be surrounded with enough experienced military personnel to be able to run the country. That is what an administration does. That is what an ad visor does. I do not believe the president has to have military experience.

  2. Not necessarily.  The president is surrounded by Generals and other defense officials to help him in this area.  However, he is the "Commander in Chief" of the entire military, so military experience is a plus.

    What we really need in a president is someone who is not a FREAKING SOCIALIST (e.g. Barack Obama) who will rob us of our own hard-earned money and give it to welfare sloths and other morons who don't want to pay for their own healthcare.  Obama is a THIEF!

  3. They should have a history of service of some kind.  I mean service to all Americans, not just a select minority.

    Military service, especially voluntary and in combat, shows courage, patriotism, selflessness, and service to others.  It's quite admirable.

    I definitely consider it as one piece of the puzzle that makes up a persons character.

  4. Not necessarily. It's just another kind of public service.

  5. Yes, I feel they should. The day and age we live in is vary volatile. At any given time we maybe forced into an altercation with some radical ideology that's threatening us. Training would be helpful in making decisions in such a high pressure situation.

    Its like someone who owns a gun, with no training and someone who has a gun and took the proper courses to be mentally prepared to use it.

  6. Yes I do.

    How can you know what a soldier is going through if you haven't gone through it yourself?

    It is a profoundly serious and grave matter to send men to die and yet you will not go yourself.

  7. no because most vets vote republican

  8. Not necessarily.  It's not a bad thing to have, but there's so much more that goes into running the executive branch then the military aspect, plus one can always surround themselves with expert military advisers.

    Consider also that George H W Bush in 92, Bob Dole in 96, and John Kerry in 04 all ran using the "I'm a war hero and my opponent is not" argument.  All three lost.

  9. I don't think it's necessary.  A President doesn't need to know everything about everything.  It's more important to choose good advisors.  You can get advice from the best military minds in the country--having had personal military experience wouldn't be of much help.  However, I wish G W Bush had gone to Vietnam and been in the line of fire--he might have thought twice about sending young men and women to fight another useless war.

    Malwambi, you know what's robbing ME of my hard-earned money?  Rising gas and food prices, falling home values, and the biggest budget deficit in our history.

  10. I don't think it is that important.  Most military personnel serve for 2 to 6 years, which can be important, depending on the person, but is really a drop in the bucket of life (I served 8).  More important than military service is personal integrity.  With that, most challenges can be met.

  11. no because the president has generals in charge of that stuff

  12. Not necessarily, but they at least need to be able to back what they say which most military leaders and people with military background do. When they say they will do something, they will. period.

  13. Nope.

  14. I think they definitely should have military experience, war in just another thing in politics and if you know nothing about it , not only are you putting your life at risk but also the lives of your country.

    You also need to do something good for your country to prove your loyalty to it.

  15. It's definitely a feather in their cap if they do. Something good to put on their resume.  However, it's not mandatory.

  16. No, presidents aren't sovereigns or are a member of a royal family who have a duty to hand to hand combat and defend there countries. Presidents just are only public vote elected politicians who were voted to become leader or the head of there political party. They only become president when there political party is publically voted by the people to run the country.  

    A president should be open minded, world traveled, culturally educated to deal with an assortment of many different foreign people and crisis. With a vast general knowledge of foreign culture,to deal foreign protocol and affairs mainly within and outside there presidential country.  

    A president who is fully military base camp bred, boot camp conformed minded will run a country like a military boot camp or base. There are a few countries in the world which are fully military governed and military policed by ran by military laws and drafts which you should do some research on if you are interested in having a militarized president.

  17. Somehow a Chicken Hawk should not be allowed to initiate a war. But then neither should a military hero-Eisenhower,Kennedy and others were very reluctant to fire one up. The utter brutality of it all should be very carefully considered before any engagement is even entertained and should least of all left to the inept and inexperienced who have some form of Freudian axe to grind.

  18. I don't think so, because there are a lot of other aspects that a president should overcome. There have been many good president without experience, take Abraham Lincoln. He overcame many hardships in his life along with other great presidents.

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