
Do you think princess diana should be left to rest in peace?

by  |  earlier

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i know it will sounds nasty but i'm sick of hearing about her now.

she was a great woman but please shut up now!!!!!!




  1. You're right. At least she has the right to keep her personal life for herself. now she should be left to rest in peace

  2. Na! in Pieces maybe!

  3. She was not that 'great.' She was a well-bred trollop, nothing more, nothing less. She bored me to tears when she was alive. I'm still sick of hearing about her.

  4. I think she deserves justice and is not going to get it.

    The verdict will be accident and we will have to accept it even though we do not believe it.

    I think she should be allowed to rest in peace with a fitting memorial rather than a silly u/s fountain

  5. Yes I do.I feel it must affect William & Harry. Everytime something comes up its bound to stirr them up. For those that cared the saying "Gone but not Forgotten"  springs to mind, they should let her rest in Peace

  6. I agree wholeheartedly.

  7. Yes, but there has to be an inquest and if conspirisy is proved, the culprit brought to justice!

  8. I don't get the big deal.  So she died in a car crash, shame but accidents happen.  I wish it would all just go away - I can tell you I'm not happy about paying for an inquest into an accident that happened 10 years ago to someone I was never particularly interested in in the first place.

  9. Yeah I do...

    F-ing late for it though, they've been doing all this c**p for AGES...about her death, her affairs or whatever.

    Its sick, and boring.

  10. affirmative

  11. yes she should be left to rest in peace

  12. yes about time too

  13. yes it was only inquest into her death now they are looking into her marriage

  14. Yeah. I'm sick of hearing about her too.

    She was an ugly  c u n t.

  15. Don't suppose she cares much really...

  16. Yes, let her rest in peace.

    best of luck to you!

  17. absolutely--not that i am sick of hearing about her but the news should leave her and her family alone now.

  18. Yes

  19. yes, but talking abt her is good for her too

  20. why should people shut up about her? her death is still a mystery she did a lot of good things for people maybe we should just shut up about Martin luther king or ghandi to?its the same thing.we must give credit where it is due

  21. I agree with you totally especially for her sons.  Unfortunately, the lawyers, press, public, and mawkish senitmentality will ensure that this will not happen until some reasonable truth comes out of this farcicle trial.  May god help us and how much more of this rubbish can we expect.  I am sure no woman of children would want this to happen.  You are not nasty at all lots of people hold the same view, including me.  xx

  22. Good idea! I think it will happen the same day as Marilyn Monroe, John Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy and Elvis are left in peace.

  23. Yes I totally agree. Its a very overrated topic where people take much sick curiosity in gossping about - 10 years after her death!

    We should let her rest in peace, and give her own sons a break too.

  24. I think we should be left in peace.  I was not a fan of hers when she was alive and ten years on I am sick to the back teeth of hearing about the woman.  Enough.

  25. heck yea. she definitely deserves to rest b/c she was wonderful woman.

  26. I don't want to hear more about her. The British royal family doesn't concern me much, since my country has a royal family of its own that needs attention.

  27. Yes and she deserved more peace during her lifetime than she received.

  28. Cant imagine she cares! but prob not very nice

    for her kids.

  29. I think she should because you cant take back the past and who really cares, what is that going to change, she's not living.

  30. absolutely well said,let a beautifull loving woman there once was rest in peace,and let her family move on with their lives especially her loving children.....x

  31. Certainly and definitely. Think of how distressing it must be for the two lads who have to constantly put up with references to their mother. RIP means Rest in Peace not Dig me up and get some more mileage out of me! My heart goes out to the two lads who have been terrific putting up with all this slander and lies. The Princess was a fine lady who was put under intolerable pressure.

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