
Do you think privatization is the answer to the many ills of the government?

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Do you think privatization is the answer to the many ills of the government?




  1. No!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I remember when Bell Telephone would bring you a new phone and fix any problems no matter where it was.  Now when you have a problem you feel like a ping pong ball being batted from one company to another with "Sorry, we don't do that, call So and So.  I would like to call them a So and So alright!

  2. Let's see, privatization has given us

    300% increase in cable rates

    Mortgage crisis

    Tech Bubble

    Blackout in CA

    Closing 75% of our oil refineries since 1985

    falling wages

    loss of health insurance and denial of coverage even when insured

    lobbyist corruption scandals

    Mining disasters

    railroad accidents

    bank failures

    S&L collapse

    overcrowded airport runways and near collisions

    So I'd have to say no

  3. In theory governments are accountable to voters, private corporations are not. That means state controlled industries or services ought to function for the good of society, not just the good of corporate shareholders.

    In reality governments are controlled by corporations, not voters. Governments often undermine the performance of state controlled industries and services, in a deliberate attempt to create discontent and develop support for privatisation. Once privatised the industry or service can forget it's social role, and concentrate on making profits for it's new shareholders.

    Poorly performing state industries and services are the symptom of ill government, not the cause. To solve the problems with government you need to increase democracy by ending corporate control of the political system.

    Privatisation is anti-democratic. Less government is not the same as good government, it's simply less democracy. In a balanced country those things essential to the welfare of the people should be under some kind of democratic control, those things less essential can be privately run, although subject to democratic regulation.

    I know this is an old argument, but it holds true and I wouldn't change it.

  4. Absolutely not - I do not want a private company to have police powers, authority to invade or even collect taxes.

    There are inherent government functions that we the people should never be allowed to be privatized.  We can demand better government though!

  5. No, PEMEX is not for sale!

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