
Do you think pro-marijuana people are stupid?

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I think so because they are all stoners who support the unraveling of the fabric of American society. No non-smoker in his right mind would support legalization of a drug that destroys your mind and body. I've read about what being high feels like and I think it's ****ing stupid. I'd rather do a drug that keeps me alert and going. I'm a caffeine man, but I'd take amphetamines before trying pot. Marijuana causes brain damage, lung cancer, mental problems, and risky behavior. All pot smokers deserve a bullet to the face, and any non-smoker would agree with me. A stoner's existence means less to me than the parasites and bacterium that infest the turds of a sick and mangy dog.




  1. Now do your speech for alcohol consumption, even though Jesus drank wine.  

  2. If someone wants to mess up their body with it then who are you to tell them otherwise.. you have a choice not to smoke it but they choose to. nobody is judging your desicion not to smoke.. so why should you judge theirs..? aslong as theyre not doing it round me then i dont really care what they do tbh.. come on i dont see you mentioning crack heads.. there are alot of bigger problems in todays society then stoners

  3. o well buddy, until it's legal, my money will go to drug dealers instead of paying tax to the government.  to be honest, i'd rather pay the tax and get everyone free health care and start paying down the defecate and use hemp for a stand alone fuel, unlike all the hype corn to ethanol, which has now been proven to get S****y gas mileage.   o well.  and i'm all most positive that prozac and vicidin are worse for your health considering they can kill by overdose, and alcohol kills more innocent people every hour of every day due to drunk drivers than those killed in this war. then again how else are you supposed to get home from the bar.

  4. Nobody really cares what you think.  And with all that hate your spew, maybe you should try smoking a joint, calm you down a bit.  

  5. I don't smoke and I support legalization, tobacco is so much more dangerous than marijuana is. It causes cancer, makes you irritable, discolors your teeth, makes you smell bad, and it poisons the people around you. All that happens when you smoke weed is you sit around for a couple hours staring at your hand, go to sleep, and wake up in front of a half-empty fridge with the taste of mustard and pickles in your mouth. Sure, it’s stupid, but so is ranting about something you know nothing about on the internet.

    I'm not saying stoners are great people, sure some of them are incredibly smart, but its wasted, and the ones who let it become their life are ruining it, but legalizing would allow the government, not only to tax the h**l out of it and fix a lot of things that need fixing in this country, but it would ensure that its not cut with something else that *is* dangerous. Taxing marijuana would mean that we could clear out some of the prison system (which, right now is practically filled with people on petty drug charges), but the stoners would actually be helping to build America!

    Where’s your proof that it causes brain damage, lung cancer, and mental problems? And I know it doesn’t cause risky behaviors. You’re thinking losing brain cells and everything, but you're wrong, the worst side effect of marijuana is a bit of short term memory loss, but the chance of lung cancer with marijuana is far, far less than cigarettes, marijuana doesn’t have tar, fiberglass, and poison in it, but those are legal.

    Look into things more before you make outrageous, ignorant statements. LEARN a little bit

  6. So you've "read" about what it feels like to be high, that makes you an expert? You have alot to learn dear. You should know that just because you don't want to do something it doesn't give you the right to judge those who do. You will learn one day that your opinion has no impact on these people which you hate so immensely! Remember this, to each his own, who are you to judge?

  7. they sure are.

  8. If pot was legal then they would want to compete more against others and end up doing Meth or something worse. Also that pot funds crime and in most cases Terrorist!  

  9. Sorry,I am a non smoker and I don't agree with you. I fully support legalizing marijuana.

    The amount of crime and murders associated with just this one illegal drug is over whelming. Legalize it,regulate it,tax it and put the criminals out of business.

  10. Alcohol consumption has cost America far more than the relatively benign marijuana. You must consider pro alcohol and pro tobacco people equaly stupid.

    I say ban them all!

  11. they have a right to be stupid!

  12. ....are we feeling a little better now?

    ...are you having some sticky pre-recovery issues?

  13. So you are advocating murdering people that you don't like?  I think that just might be illegal, too.  Idiot.

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