
Do you think proactive really works,or are they just trying to get people?

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Do you think proactive really works,or are they just trying to get people?




  1. i tried proactive about a year ago ad it made my skin like ten times worse than it was before i used it, i don't know if it just didn't work for me or if it is like that for everyone  

  2. If you talking about the acne medicine....don't bother.  Been there, done that, ended up at the dermatologist any way.  Save your money for the meds the Dr. is going prescribe.

  3. it worked for my friend

    but its really strong so don't use it unless its way nessasery (=  

  4. It didn't work for me.  All it did was make my skin extremely dry and flaky.

  5. worked for me and alota people i know

  6. Eh, well i know my older brother used it and it didn't work.

  7. It work for my brother and i really well.

    It will depend on your skin tho, ive used things that make it worse as well but proactive worked wonders for us.

    you'd just have to try it and see.

  8. It was to strong for my skin because it's sensitive. It felt like it was burning my skin so I just use similar products from the drug store that are more suitable for my skin.

  9. It didn't work for either of my children

  10. ive been using oxy alot and it doesnt work, so i got a trial and  now my skins clear. its no sham

  11. it works

    at least it does if you use it every day (no skipping)

    it worked for me and my friends

  12. they are trying to get people cause for some it works like magic if you use it every day and no skipping (which really helps you develop the habit of washing your face every day) and others ( like myself or my dad) it took forever (2-5 months) just to clear up the acne bumps so i would just go with something faster and gentel  like neutrogena , clean and clear, or my fav. acne free but it really depends on your skin type and what you can handle

  13. I did not work for me.

  14. It only works for some people. Some people see no results and others see progress.

  15. There is nothing special about Pro active. the only reason it works is because it gets you in a daily routiune of washing your face. You can buy the same stuff at a drugstore, all it is is step 1 is a cleanser with salyic acid, step 2 is a toner, step 3 is a moisturizer

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