
Do you think protesting works?

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explain why you think it does/doesn't....




  1. I don't think it works.  It just makes people laugh at you and think "how pathetic, a bunch of losers whining and bothering other people because they didn't get what they want."

  2. That depends on how it is done.  Some kinds of protest bring attention to issues that would otherwise be suppressed.  But protesting that is violent or destructive or disruptive turns people off.

  3. No. Such dangerous acts of free speech are NOT within our laws and should NOT be tolerated. You do not have ANY sort of reason to tell us what to believe. STOP HYPNOTIZING OUR CHILDREN.

  4. It got us the social legislation of the 30's; civil rights, and ended the Vietnam war.

  5. NO

  6. Yes definitely--the thought of organized, peaceful protest scares the bejesus out of politicians.

  7. against Democrats

  8. Depends, in some countries like mine ( Afghanistan) they dont work, its hot issue for 2 days and then everybody forgets it.

    its a kind of threat to some gov. that it may get wider and wider and along with it, it will make the threat wider as well.

  9. Yes, Vietnam and probably Nixon.

    I think it might have had a positive effect on some of

    women's rights - but, that's going back a bit.

  10. I don't think it does work anymore.  It has certainly been a powerful tool in the past, but media today consistantly underestimates protest turnout which undermines the movement and sends the message to the public that people don't really care.  I think at this point in history, internet movements have really taken over and are a more effective tool.

    With all that in mind, I still attend every protest I hear about.  There is something empowering about "taking it to the streets," I'm just not sure how much actual good it does.

  11. Abso...frickin...lutely!!!!   In the 60s hundreds of us marched to the City Hall in Kalamazoo, wearing black arm bands that we ceremoniously ripped off and dumped into a large basket in front  of the Common Council.  Why?  There had been a great number of accidents, including several that caused death, in the middle of the WMU campus.  

         The upshot?  Traffic was diverted and the campus center became a "mall" that could  be crossed safely!  It remains that way--over 40 years later.

          Protesting awakened those who felt something was wrong in Viet Nam, or in the segregated South, but were, maybe, afraid they'd stand alone if they spoke out; it showed them that they had plenty of support!!

          It is a way to very publicly make your feelings and views known, and a great way to find others of like mind.  In this age of "ads", it is an advertisement for your politics or your life-choices.  Who cares if some people laugh?

  12. No

    It does not work. It just shows what opinion the protesters hold. Most people already have an opinion on any given subject and it takes constructed, well made reasoning to change their minds. It will only effect the sheep of society in most cases.

  13. DUH !!!!!

    it got us out of vietnam.

    and it's gonna get us out of iraq.

    is there any doubt?  are you blind?

    note that the question was whether it works, not whether you like it, or agree with it.

    some folks have trouble telling the difference.

  14. Unfortunately I think people are reluctant to protest.  If they protest the war they are called things like '*** hippies' and are accused of not supporting our troops and are seen as unpatriotic even if they whole heartedly love America and support the troops.  I think protesting worked in the 60's, hundreds of thousands protested the Vietnam war and Richard Nixon reacted to the wide spread anger by with-drawing our troops.  

    I think too many people are afraid to protest for the reasons stated above, because they are good decent patriotic americans and don't want to be seen as anything other than that.

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