
Do you think publix will hire me if i cant work on saturdays?

by  |  earlier

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im jewish, so im not allowed to work on saturdays. but as soon as i turn 14, im going to apply to be a bagger at publix [i know for a fact that they hire at 14]

i will work 2 hours after school on monday-friday and 3 hours on sunday if i can [due to child labor laws]

but do you think i have a good chance of getting the job even if i cant work saturdays?





  1. I think that will be a problem. Since you will be 14, most of your hours are on the weekends. This could be a problem, I would ask Publix if that is ok. Good Luck!

  2. won't hurt to try. But, most people do their shopping on Saturday but, for your faith? Publix might let it slide. Good Luck

  3. i am 17 and have been working at publix for 8 months.

    i highly doubt that you will get hired, not because of your availability, but because of your age.

    the youngest person who works at our publix is 15 and she hardly gets any hours. she can only work from like 4-6 during the school year because of the labor laws.

    but it's always worth a try.

    oh. and i think that you can work like 6 hours on sundays.

    but publix is a great company to work for.

    i absolutely LOVE my job and i'm a bagger and a cashier.

    even if you don't get hired at 14, i would continue to apply and call publix to see if they have reviewed your application.

    Best of luck!

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