
Do you think putting a teenager on bc gives her the idea its ok to have s*x?

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lets hear your story....if you were put on bc when you were a teen what were you told? how did you feel?

My daughters friend is l5 and her mother put her on bc but told her it is a vitamin pill. Another girl was put on it and told everyone is doing it these days. Do you think it sends mixed messages to the young teen or not?




  1. good question i think lying is wrong but  if the girl knows the truth she may think its a license to have s*x  i say a straight up conversation is needed  ,she can stress the risks of aids and std hopefully it can put the fear of god in her  .and i think it is vitally important to talk to our kids about s*x and  other mature matters  so they can be comfortable with you  about seeking advice

  2. I wouldn't give a three year old medicine without telling her what it was. Is this even legal? Isn't it a prescription drug? What if the daughter is badly hurt and the hospital needs to know urgently what medication she's on?

    Parents who do this are idiots.

  3. I think the teen needs to be told the truth. Lying, especially about birth control, is irresponsible, stupid, and immature. (Who's the parent and who's the child here, you know?)

    When I was a teen (I'm only 25, so not *that* long ago, LOL...I lived with my parents until I was 18 and 3months...right when I graduated highschool...then got outta there ASAP) but when I was a teen, my mom put me on birth control (ortho tri cyclin) b/c I had HORRIBLE acne. I think I was around 14 or 15. I was a virgin until I was 18 and after I graduated highschool and moved out of my parents house. *BUT* for a long time, I was told that I could get pregnant if I held a boy's hand (LOL!!!) Not sure how long before I actually found out the truth or from whom...but my parents never told me the truth or had "the talk" with me.

    I think whether or not the teen is put on birth control, it's WAY past time to have "the talk". and BE OPEN AND HONEST! - I never really could trust my parents, b/c I always felt like they were halfway telling me things...and they usually were. I still don't trust them.

  4. look ur gunna get mixed answers all i can say is s*x these days is being experimented at such an early age now days, i first tryed it at 15 years old, the best thing to do is to talk to your daughter about it, no matter wot u do u cant stop from having s*x BUT u can hope she is smart about it, the pill is the one of the best decision u can make also go and bye some condoms for her so she is doubley protected.

  5. i think the best b/c is to have communication with the child, not knowing how to protect oneself is the worst thing.

    i have an 18 yr old daughter in college and is very aware of what s*x is all about. whatever question she has, i answer because i don't want boys to tell or show her.

    yes, i do believe by allowing a young girl to be on b/c is just like saying go ahead and have all the s*x you want. i don't agree with it at all!

    s*x is for adults that know what they are doing and know the consequences of what could happen.

  6. I am sorry but its rubbish i was put on the pill at 13 because my periods were terrible (started at 10) and they were for my periods nothing else i wasn't sexually active until i was 18.. depends on the girl in question NOT all girls are on the pill because they are sexually active

  7. I think your attitude towards s*x is potentially damaging to your child's development and emotional health and also your relationship.

    LYING to your child about her cantraceptives is a more noble and adult way to behave than having a frank and open discussion about a competely natutal thing?

  8. personally i think lying to your child is wrong at 15

    the thing about diffrent contraceptives is they cause diffrent reactions in  woman and also cause some to gain alot of wieght. ( i gained 5 lb on the pill and im only small so it showed )

    anyway if you think your daughter is having s*x , talk to her about it also the pill wont protect her from STD's;...

  9. Yea, there was a girl in my highschool whose mother put her on B.C. and it was clear to her that her mother thought she was a reckless w***e. Her words, not ours. And she laughed it off with a slight tinge of hurt and shame. Ouch. She may have been a chicken-head , but we all knew she didn't spread her legs at that point. Kinda sucks when parents lose all confidence in you. Her mom even bought her a baby names book! Brutal!  After that, well she stopped trying and did become full-out s****k.

    However, I myself had to be put on B.C. early because I had missed periods from a very shaky menstrual cycle. I had urged the medicine, not my parents. It certainly helped regulate me and curtailed the horrible pain.  

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