
Do you think...?

by Guest33733  |  earlier

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They're making Avatar:The Last Airbender into a live action movie directed by M. Night Shamalan Do you think a person that has:

1.) a headshot/resume

2.) Lots of acting experience in School Plays , and student films

3.) Has 5-6 years of martial arts experience ( A brown belt in Taekwondo and currently learning Sitorio)

4.) Is Indian

Do you think a person like this would have a shot at playing Katara or Suki in the movie?




  1. no, not likely.  you have to keep working your way up and take small steps and get professional experience before you get to the top.  you must first go step A to step B, not A straight to Z!  keep building up that resume.  good luck.

  2. you would be good for the part of katara but they said they think they found the cast

  3. Wow, well Im trying to get into the acting business too, but Im asian. I think you might be able to get the part, but always remember that you're not the only one trying out for the part. =]

  4. Are you a member of SAG (Screen Actors Guild)?

    Do you have an agent?

    If not, it will be hard to get an audition>
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