
Do you think???

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That that the pluses outweigh the minuses regarding having a TV in the bedroom??? What are the positives and the negatives??




  1. It is bad enough i have a computer in here, i stay up late when i should be sleeping. But having a TV in here would be nice so i would not have to go downstairs and watch it when i am to tired to get up.Just turn it off and go to sleep.

  2. Myself I don’t have one in the bed room for a bunch of reasons, I’ll list out a few of my reasons and you can see if they are even close to what your are thinking.

    First it would be a pain in the rear end to run 2 coax (RG6) cables to my bed room as I have a two story and a crazy amount of phone, data, and Sat wiring in my house as it is.

    Then I would have the extra cost of renting another tuner from Direct TV. And since I record a lot of shows on my DVR I would need to rent a second DVR and even more cost. Then I would run into a problem with what DVR did I record a particular show on.

    The layout of my room is not that great for viewing a TV, windows all along one wall so the sun would reak havoc, and the added cost of another HD TV. I can’t stand to watch non HD programming the picture is just horrid compared to HD.

    And then I am just not much of a lay in bed person, I always have things going on so laying in bed in my undies really is just not an option.

  3. Dave, where are you supposed to watch p**n if there's no tv in the bedroom?

    ssıʞ kiss
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