
Do you think ???

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do you think that the whole Saas- Bahu saga concerning Gony is true???

for those who dodn't know.......Gony's mom has come out in public and said that he is trying to beat her up..............and kill her etc etc.....................

so do you think these reports are true? or is it just a baseless allegation........................??

no offence intended..............




  1. Even I was surprised to read that on paper last day. Actually, you really don't know till anything comes out to conclusion because these days alot of stuff is done to seek attention & all. So really can't say if its true or not.

  2. Ya, i read that news on telegraph yesterday! I was just shocked, how can a mother say such horrible things about his son, who has just started his carreer! I don't think, Gony would not 've said such things to his own mother....i feel the allegations are baseless! Becoz if that was the case, as she is describing it to be, then why didn't she go public about this when Gony wasn't that famous? ( I'm really sorry if 've hurt anyone) But it's hard to jump to the conclusion!

  3. My dear if all this allegations are true then he should be baned from playing for BCCI ( i wont say India as BCCI is a private body) and represent the tri colour flag as the one who cannot respect his mother has no right to represent the mother land. but all this is for publicity then i am sorry to say the family values are below par
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